And the 1% know about this:
– Global Cooling and the New World Order (Telegraph):
Which is what makes one particular item on the group’s discussion agenda so tremendously significant. See if you can spot the one I mean:
The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.
Yep, that’s right. Global Cooling.
Entire paper here:
Nowadays, a few years before the beginning of the upcoming global cooling, we are going through an unstable phase when the temperature will oscillate around the reached maximum without any substantial increase. In 2008 the global temperature on our planet not only did not rise but even fell down due to the decreasing (and record low over 30 years of observations from space) solar luminosity. The stabilization of the global Earth temperature in 1998–2005 and its downward tendency in 2006–2008 is an irrefutable evidence of the fact that our Sun is no longer able to warm the Earth the same way as in the past and that an anthropogenic global warming is a big myth. 1998–2005, being the warmest years for 150 years of weather observations, will stay on the peak of 2-century warming. By the middle of the ongoing century, the new (19th for the last 7500 years) little ice age similar to the Maunder one, will come. The global temperature will fall even without limitation of greenhouse gases emission by industrialized states. That is why the Kyoto treaty is useless so far and should be put off till at least 150 years later. However, climate changes on the planet will spread unevenly depending on the latitude. The fall of temperature will least affect the equatorial region of the Earth and will mostly influence the temperate climate regions. In whole, climate changes are not under the control of humans. A reasonable way to combat these changes is to maintain an economic growth in order to get prepared to alternating coolings and warmings. The coming global cooling will be replaced by a regular 2-century global warming only by the beginning of XXII century.
In short:
– Russian scientist predicts 100 years of cooling (Ice Age Now, November 11, 2011):
See their cooling graph for the next 100 years!
In a study of cyclic behavior of the Sun, Russian scientists now predict 100 years of cooling.
These are not just any scientists. This forecast comes from astrophysicist Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the Russian segment of the International Space Station, and head of Space Research of the Sun Sector at the Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The Russian scientists began by looking at a paper published by J. A. Eddy* in 1976 that documented the correlation between sunspot activity and corresponding large – and disruptive – climate changes on Earth. Disruptive because the changes frequently lead to economic and demographic crises that affected the existence of entire nations.
Conducting research similar to Eddy’s, Russia’s Eugene Borisenkov** discovered a quasi 200- year cycle of global cooling during the past 7,500 years that correlates to times of sunspot minima similar to the Maunder minimum. (These were also times when any industrial influence was non-existent, Abdussamatov points out. )
Observed variations in 11-year sunspot activity (solid thin curve) and in 200-year solar activity (solid thick curve) and our forecast from 2009 to 2042 (dashed lines) (Abdussamatov H. I. KPhCB, 2007. 23, 97).
Our planet warms and cools in predictable 200-year cycles corresponding to 200-year variations in the size and luminosity of the Sun, the scientists found. Previous global warmings – of which there have been many – have always been followed by deep cooling.
The 200-year variations in sunspot activity and total solar irradiance (TSI) are the dominating reason for climate change, says Abdussamatov. “In whole, the solar cycles are a key to our understanding of different cyclic variations in the nature and society.”
TSI variations and sunspot activity since 1611 and our forecast (dashed lines) (Abdussamatov H. I. The Sun Dictates the Climate of the Earth. 2009, St. Petersburg, “Logos”, – 197 p.; The Sun Dictates the Climate. 4th International Conference on Climate Change in Chicago, May 2010.
Existence of the 11-year and 200-year solar cycles of identical and synchronized variations of luminosity, sunspot activity and diameter of the Sun is one of the most reliably ascertained facts in solar physics, says Abdussamatov.
“The study of physical processes on the Sun not only gives us an understanding of a large number of astrophysical questions, but also of the questions of geophysics, meteorology, biology and medicine. All energy sources used by humanity are linked to the Sun. The heat and light of the Sun ensured the development of life on the Earth, formed the deposits of coal, oil, gas etc.”
“All life on the Earth and its future conditions directly and almost in whole depend on the total solar irradiance (TSI).”
See entire paper: to Marc Morano and Joseph Bast for this link
* Eddy J. A. Science. 1976. 192, 1189
** Eugene Borisenkov (Climate variations during the last millennium. Leningrad. 1988. p. 275)See also:
New Little Ice Age ‘to Begin in 2014?
I sat just ten feet away from Dr Abdussamatov as he made this startling assertion at the Heartland Institute’s 4th International Conference on Climate Change in Chicago in May 2010.