CENSORSHIP: FOX News Deletes The ‘Who Won the Debate?’ Poll After RON PAUL Wins!

Pathetic idiots!

FOX News deleted the ‘Who Won the Debate?’ Poll, but it is still accessible through Google cache and here are the results:


(Click on image to enlarge.)

Hilariously you can still embed the poll!

Here is the embed code:

<script src=”http://static.polldaddy.com/p/5526599.js” charset=”utf-8″ type=”text/javascript”></script> <noscript><a href=”http://polldaddy.com/poll/5526599/”>Who won the debate?</a></noscript>

Ron Paul is the one candidate those elitists are really afraid of.

Just look at David Rockefeller’s reaction:

Rockefeller scared of Ron Paul

YouTube Added. 01.12.2007

These elitists know Ron Paul very well, because he is the only one that would abolish their private Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS and bring an end to the illegal wars.

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