And don’t forget to download any video that you find interesting and want to share with others, because it may just disappear from YouTube.
Part 1 of 4:
Part 2 of 4:
Part 3 of 4:
Part 4 of 4:
See also:
– Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease: Another Nightmare For Big Pharma? (Yes!)
– The Incredible Benefits of Coconut Oil: Weight Loss – Kills Candida, Harmful Bacteria and Viruses (Incl. HIV) – Boosts Immunity – Healthy Skin
Both my Father and my Mother have short term memory loss. In addition, at 84 yo my Father has metastatic prostate cancer, that the doctors can’t seem to slow down, and type II diabetes that is controlled by pills and diet. We are going to try the cocnut oil and/or the palm kernal oil. Please keep putting the information on your site for the public.
Oh, yes, where is Part IV ?
Thank you!
Thank you for reminding me of Part IV.
Selenium for your father is most probably a very good idea, but every ‘medicine’ needs to be tested to see if the body really ‘needs’ it.
There are so many different (suppressed) ways out there that really heal cancer.
And here is a good example:
Study: Grape Seed Extract Kills Head And Neck Cancer Cells, Leaves Healthy Cells Unharmed
Also strongly consider the Gerson therapy:
– The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses
– Healing the Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases
BUT before you spend money on these books watch these videos on the Gerson therapy first:
– The Beautiful Truth (Video – Full Documentary – The Many Reasons For Chronic Diseases And The Cure)
– The Gerson Miracle (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)
– ‘Dying To Have Known’ (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)
Best regards,
Infinite Unknown
The best way to stabilize, reverse and prevent both Alzheimer’s Disease and Cancer is by having your mother and father take GNC Turmeric Curcumin (500mg Capsules)! 3.5mg per day for your mother and father would work! Another thing I tried was going to Kroger and buying 4 of the strongest herbs in the world and putting them together. These herbs are: Turmeric (by Spice Islands), Sage (by Spice Islands), Garlic Powder (Kroger Brand) and Cayenne Pepper (Kroger Brand)! Mix these powerful herbs together, have your parents sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons of it on their meat and vegetables, then sit back and watch it work wonders! Taking Ceylon Cinnamon every day also prevents you from getting Alzheimer’s Disease by preventing B-Amyloid Plaque from everdeveloping in the brain in the first place! Huperzine A helps a lot with short term memo
Hello there. My name is Steve and I have watched the 4 videos however I do not recall Mrs. Newport stating if her husband stopped taking the pharmaceutical prescriptions while taking the coconut oil. I currently care for my grandmother who suffers from Dementia. At times, I strongly believe the pharmaceuticals are causing chemical imbalances in her body which are also causing violent emotional and verbal outbursts along with the frustration that Dementia causes and I am desperately seeking other methods to help her. A gentlemen in my grandmothers building gave me some information regarding Dr. Newports coconut oil treatment, to which I have started googling information, thus leading me here. What I would like to know is how I can find out from her if he stopped taking the pharmaceuticals while taking the coconut oils. I do not wish to tamper with or further her condition by taking her off the medication if not necessary.
Thank you for your honest and compelling story!
My husband’s Alzheimer’s is progressing very quickly, we are also on Aricept and Namenda, did you stop the prescription drugs completely? What was the response from Steve’s Doctor? Do you continue to go to appointments and have Steve tested and if so has he improved his last score of 18? My husbands last score was 14 out of 30, extremely discouraging.
Finally, with such breakthrough information, is the Alzheimer’s Association receptive and responsive and are they sharing your work and book?
Will coconut oil stop ALS as a disease? If it does, who much should one consume per day?
Amazing!! Take that Big Pharma!!!
Hi all, my father did alot of research into Alzheimer’s and thanks to Dr. Newport he started my mum on coconut oil and MCT oil a year and half ago, all of us seen a dramatic improvement in her within days
Steve you asked if coconut oil would help ALS, I can’t think it would hurt but I have a friend with ALS and he has been declared free from it after several different protocals involving a dramatic change in diet and drinking 35% (food grade) hydrogen peroxide…25 drops in 8 ozs of water. I have my husband drinking it also and also using 3tbsp. of coconut oil in his oatmeal every morning. Hope this helps.
How much coconut oil daily?
@ Nancy Miller,
The dosage used in most Alzheimer’s studies is about 5 TBSP per day of extra virgin coconut oil. 1-3 TBSP are recommended for minor ailments and for maintenance.
so where can one buy your book telling how to use the pure coconut oil other than in oatmeal. I can’t find it on Amazon. Our family member can easily draw a clock, but his short-term memory is a problem.
thank you.
You can still get the kindle version at
Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure?
Price: $9.99
(and if you don’t care about the price there are still new ones available here:
the cheapest new one is right now at $16.77 + $3.99 shipping)
… or …
… you may also consider this book from Dr. Bruce Fife (Amazon description: Dr. Bruce Fife is the world’s leading expert on coconut and health. He is the director of the Coconut Research Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public and the scientific community on the nutritional and health benefits of coconut. He is the author of numerous books including the bestsellers The Coconut Oil Miracle and Eat Fat, Look Thin.):
Coconut Cures: Preventing and Treating Common Health Problems with Coconut
Thank you for all the good information and for taking the time to bring it to all of us so we can pass it on.
Marlis Kelleher
I would venture to guess that low-carb (ketogenic) diet would work just as well, if not better. Also, since insulin resistance is caused by hyperglycemia, a low-carb diet could possibly prevent Alzheimer’s.
How can you get in 5TBs per day in your diet other than put in Oatmeal? Any ideas?
I will try this with my husband- I already have the coconut oil pills that I am using for my high chrolestrol – Thank you very much- will be watching for more info- Good luck to you and your husband praying that he will continue to get better
My 87 year old mother is starting memory testing tomorrow. After watching this I will be excited to introduce the MCT coconut oil and document the difference. I am 58 and recently became aware of a dramatic change in my day to day thinking, as well as memory. Going to the health food store as soon as it opens. Thank you so much for sharing.
Is there any update on Mr. Newports’ current condition (as of March 12, 2112).
I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s about 3 years ago and started using coconut oil about 3 months ago. I have not noticed any improvement.
Thank you in advance for you reply,
James Hamon
@James Hamon
James you may not notice a difference in yourself, your family and close friends would be the first to notice most likely. What i really wanted you to know though is My Dad is in the very late stages of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and we started giving him Turmeric March 21, 2012 and have seen a difference in two weeks. We’re giving him 1 Tsp in the morning and 1 Tsp in the evening. We just started giving him 1 Tsp on the coconut oil today April 6, 2012. I wish you all the best beating this terrible disease.
I am so excited to hear all the recomendations por this disease, my mom is beginig to show symptoms, and woul like to do something as soon as we can. I want to know what is the MCT oil? And is it necessary to give that along with the coconut oil?
Thanks and God bless you, and give you the strenght to take care of you love ones.
@ Clara MCT Oil is Medium Chain Triglycerides which essentially Coconut Oil is a MCT Oil. My dad is 73 and in the very late stages of Alzheimer’s it started at about age 59. For the past few months prior to trying Turmeric Dad was not talking other then saying sure,yes,no and sleeping lots. He was 92 Lbs. We started the turmeric March 21,2012 and within two weeks there was an improvement, he was talking more, alert more, and awake for longer periods of time he’s also gained 2 lbs. We started giving him 1 teaspoon of turmeric in his breakfast and now he gets an extra 1/2 teaspoon in his dinner as well as 1 teaspoon of Cococnut oil. The coconut oil has to be Extra Virgin and organic. The only side affect that we’re aware of is possibly diarrhea.
The diarrhea my Dad had was actually caused more by sugar which we were not aware of. Alzheimer’s and dementia is a form of diabetes so it’s also a good thing to limit the amount of processed refinded sugar for people with Alzheimer’s or dementia. If someone is checked for diabetes it may show up negative in a blood test but limit the amount of sugar anyways.
My husband has been suffering short-term memory loss for about 2 – 3 years and about 18 months ago we were sent to a specialist who gave him the MMSE test and did a brain scan. He was subsequently told that he had Mild Cognitive Impairment and that there was no treatment. Apparently you need to have full-blown dementia or Alzheimer’s before they give you the drugs. I think it was January when we saw Dr Mary Newport’s video interview and decided to get coconut oil. I put it in his porridge and soup and now I use it in just about all the cooking. At the same time we read that Indian people don’t suffer with dementia as much as westerners and this could be due to their diet, so I now also add turmeric to a lot of dishes and he takes turmeric in capsule form every day. In addition I also give him a daily tablet consisting of various B vitamins and folic acid. We went back to the specialist last month and he scored better on the MMSE; there was no brain scan this time. I really feel he is a bit better than he was a year ago; he still has short-term memory loss but at about the same level as it was months ago, in fact it may well be improving because he can still remember the mistakes he made in the last MMSE! I know he isn’t going to regain his full memory but if he stays at this level we can cope.
My mother suffer of Parkison,(4 years) (she is taking medications)How many spoons Coconut Oil for day, that I need to give her? some suggestion or advice,please email me: [email protected] ,,,,,,,,,thanks
I am using your coconut oil treatment and Steves diet. It is working. My question is how much coconut oil should she get per day
Putting coconut oil in foods makes everything taste like coconut. Plus leaves oily taste in mouth. Does it come in powder form or pills? I saw large capsules, but how many do you need to take to be effective?
heard about coconut oil from a friend and right away start giving to my mom who has alzheimers. mom has not read out loud in a while and she started back reading out loud and being more alert. thought maybe a she just having good day all of a sudden but every time i give her the oil she is so!!!!
I was very interested to see Dr Mary Newport’s video’s and read some of the remarks that people have contributed. My mother suffered and eventually died from Alzheimer’s in December 2010 after suffering for more than 12 years, her mother also died of this disease many years before so you can see where I am coming from. I am in my 69th year, I believe that I am also starting the onset of Alzheimer’s (although still very early stage), but I have started to research this subject in the hope of finding some form of reversal in the months / years ahead before more advanced symptoms start to show. Thank you for the information I have learnt a lot from it.
For the record, there seems to be some confusion between Alzheimer’s and Dementia, perhaps some of your viewers/ readers would like to know that, Aloysius “Alois” Alzheimer was a German Psychiatrist and Neuropathologist, her was borne 14th June 1864 and died 19th September 1915 aged just 51years. He first described Dementia as a disease of mental process rather than physical dysfunction, characterized by memory loss and progressive intellectual impairment in 1906, hence the name “Alzheimer’s”
Can you tell me if you can cook with the cocnut oil, i.e. heat it up and use it in say thai green curry or cookies?
I read so much about Dr Newport’s advice on coconut oil and her husband’s, Steve, recovery. I admire her so much. My husband has been suffering from dementure for the past 2 years – I started giving him 12 spoons of coconut oil daily and he is also taking curamed (tumeric) and PS (500mg a day) in tablet forms, from around early November 2012. I have noticed some improvements. I am very excited. I pray a lot and keep on hoping.
My question is, is there another (latest) update on Dr Newport’s husband (Steve), since her last one in February 2011? Thanks so much for a response.
God bless you and your loved ones.
Oi Yun
where marketing in Argentina?
where it is marketed in the U.S. to import?
thank you very much
[email protected]
Steve Newport’s stroke raises a warning flag about consuming high fat coconut oil. See
It’s getting closer….
A very thought provoking summary of what has happened to us.