Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange on 9/11 and Bilderberg

If you run a website like Wikileaks, then you cannot possibly be that ignorant, unless you are highly paid to be that ignorant.

What about 9/11?

“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”

What about the Bilderberg conference?

“That is vaguely conspiratorial, in a networking sense. We have published their meeting notes.”

Source: The Belfast Telegraph

More on 9/11:

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of studies at the US Army War College: The US Military now KNOWS Mossad carried out 9/11 Attacks

Former FBI Senior Special Agent Ted Gunderson Says 9/11 Was An Inside Job


9/11 Family Member Manny Badillo schools France 24 News

Sibel Edmonds ‘Bombshell’: Osama Bin Laden Worked for US Until 9/11

Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Finally Testifies Under Oath

Footage of WTC 7 and North Tower Collapse

Highly-Credible People Question 9/11

70 Reasons To Doubt The Offical Story of 9/11

Career Army officer sues Rumsfeld, Cheney, saying no evacuation order given on 9/11

Firefighters for 9-11 Truth: Summary of Evidence of Controlled Demolition at the World Trade Center

Jesse Ventura on CNN: They Spent 100 Million Dollars Investigating Clinton But Only 4 Million On 9/11!

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: WTC Collapse A Controlled Demolition

Government Insider: Bush Authorized 9/11 Attacks

Loose Change Final Cut (!!!)

9/11 False Flag

Rumsfeld: Why not another 9/11?

US Military Officers Challenge Official Account of September 11

The Elephant In The Room: Full Movie

The ultimate coincidence:
Matrix (1999): Neo’s Passport expires on September 11, 2001

The financial coup d’état coincidence:
Donald Rumsfeld on CBS NEWS: Pentagon Cannot Account For 2,3 TRILLION Dollars

Rumsfeld said this the day before 9/11. The very next day America was under attack and the $ 2.300.000.000.000 were forgotten.
See also: Financial Coup d’Etat by Catherine Austin Fitts, Former Assistant Secretary of Housing.

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