Supreme Court Refuses to Block Release of Catholic Church Sex Abuse Papers

In all of history the Catholic Church was more like a whorehouse and a place of abuse and rape then a place of contemplation and that is documented and proven.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Whenever the truth (‘Teachings of the masters of all ages’) got lost those left behind created a religion and as always those in positions of power abused their power.

The masses never really understood things like:
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me
(Not Jesus, but the Christ, which is a very high level of consciousness that can be attained by each human being), the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the Father.”

People could do greater works than Jesus, when he had reached ‘Christ Consciousness’, but instead people chose to be the sheep of outdated, backward, criminal institutions like the Roman Catholic Church.

If you are happy worshiping, then you will never become a master. Never.

If people never take responsibility for their entire life, then they will always be victims.

Jeshuah ben Joseph (Jesus) is just one of many masters that have walked the face of the earth. From most of them you haven’t even heard their names.

The following books are not about religion, sects, cults, gurus or new age channels:
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1 Price: $8.76
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 2 Price: $10.95
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 3 Price: $10.95
In German:
Leben und Lehren der Meister in Fernen Osten. Band 1-3 Preis: EUR 12,95

Proof that miraculous abilities are indeed real:
China’s Super Psychics (At the moment this book (in English) is only available at ridiculous prices.)
In German:
Indigo-Schulen: Trainingsmethoden für medial begabte Kinder Preis: EUR 8,95

The German title is complete BS.

‘Super Psychics’ is a lot better, but would you have guessed that this includes healing abilities, teleportation, biolocation and manifesting out of thin air etc.?

My Tai Chi and Qi Gong teachers can also do the miraculous. (For them it’s normal and everybody could do it in their eyes.)

But since they don’t want to be publicly known, here are some great YouTube videos:
Ling Kong Jing (Empty Force) Demo by Master Shr on Bill Moyers Special
Qigong master (Realy cool Must see! ): (This master appears to be mentally unstable but he has great abilities.)
Qigong Master Boils Water With His Hands Pyrokinesis

True power, greatness, love, freedom and happiness wait to be found within yourself.

The justices on Monday turned down a request by the Roman Catholic diocese in Bridgeport, Conn.

Catholic Scouting (Source: Diocese of Bridgeport)

The Supreme Court has refused to block the release of documents generated by lawsuits against priests in Connecticut for alleged sexual abuse.

The justices on Monday turned down a request by the Roman Catholic diocese in Bridgeport, Conn.

Several newspapers are seeking the release of more than 12,000 pages from 23 lawsuits against six priests.

The records have been under seal since the diocese settled the cases in 2001. Courts in Connecticut have ruled that the papers should be made public.

The high court also refused to make a decision Monday on whether to hear arguments from a group of Chinese men who have been imprisoned at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp for more than seven years.

The justices reviewed the case last week, but made no announcement about how they will move on the petition from the Uighurs — whose relocation has been part of a larger headache for the Obama administration, which is trying to meet its self-imposed pledge to close Gitmo by January.

The Uighurs were picked up in Afghanistan following the Sept. 11 attacks, but have steadfastly maintained they had no role in supporting the Taliban or Al Qaeda.

The Pacific island of Palau has agreed to take 12 of the remaining 13 Uighurs on a temporary basis. Last year, a federal judge in Washington concluded the men had been detained long enough and ordered that they be released into the United States.

On emergency appeal, another court blocked that decision and eventually overturned the ruling.

FOX News’ Lee Ross and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Source: FOX News

Look at the hand sign!

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