Related articles:
– FEMA: It’s Not About Floods, It’s About Martial Law
– Where Is FEMA?
– Police State 2008 Paul Craig Roberts, a Republican who worked in the Reagan administration:
“Homeland that is a Nazi term.”
Back in the beginning of the Bushwhacker’s second coming, in the personage of the George W. Bush a gargantuan fraud was perpetrated upon the public. This was not a single deadly wound inflicted on society, but a thing that continues to kill us in a multiplicity of ways that has continued to deepen with every passing week. Even the name of this fraud is as deceptive, as are its purposes.
The program was called ‘HOMELAND Security’, and the name came straight out of Nazi manuals that were used in the late nineteen- thirties. To obtain passage of this Trojan Horse, FEMA was used as the excuse for the merging of 22 separate agencies into a single monster that, because of its size alone would be able to fix everything that threatened America or Americans. However once established, the Department of Homeland Security began to erase the individual reasons for the existence of each department that all 22 agencies had once been part of.
Like the viper that has two fangs to inject its deadly poisons, DHS itself is just another aspect of Doublespeak, because there is no “HOMELAND” in this country of immigrants and there can be no ‘security’ in a nation without laws. DHS is killing us with distortions and lies from each and every level of this massive bureaucracy, having turned the language itself on its head.
In practical terms, Homeland Security has sucked up all the social programming funding for itself, and recast those priorities into the servicing and maintenance of “War, War & Lots More War.” Every program that had to do with assisting the public to live well enough to succeed was plundered of its funds, stripped of its mandates, and reset to function a an agency dedicated to the destruction of the very things it was created to avert.
Environmental Protection became Environmental Destruction. Education became No Child Left Behind; as in: Everyone must be dumb enough to follow the leader without question. Child Care became Child neglect, no health insurance, no supplemental funds for food or medicine, shelter or job opportunities for the poor. And when violence or poverty kicks down the door of yet another family, Child Protective Services is there to take the children away and dump them into state institutions that will not care for them, but will instead insure that each becomes part of the next generation of failures: So much for protecting the smallest unit of any society. (1)
The same is true of every other government agency from the FDA and the FAA to the FCC each agency is now dedicated to doing what each of these agencies, and hundreds of others, were created to prevent! A good example is the recent botulism in some of the food we eat. FEMA has taken over the control of monitoring where crops come from, and whether or not the foods in question are fit for human consumption. Many of the fruits and vegetables we consume come from beyond our borders, but neither the FDA, nor FEMA has any idea where these food products come from, or whether or not they are safe to eat. This is a concern given the fact that FDA has now allowed the use of non-potable water for agricultural uses. Hence among other abuses lemon skins now contain fecal matter that comes from this contaminated water: and that’s just one example.
Read moreDealing With The Truth