Michelle Obama Mocks Trump, Says Hillary Was “Most Qualified Candidate In History”


Michelle Obama Mocks Trump, Says Hillary Was “Most Qualified Candidate In History”:

Former first lady Michelle Obama took several shots at President Trump during a women’s leadership conference on Thursday – likening her husband’s presidency to “the good parent,” while saying of Trump “And now we have the other parent.”

We thought it’d feel fun — maybe it feels fun for now because we can eat candy all day and stay up late and not follow the rules,” said the former first lady.

Obama then transitioned into praise of Hillary Clinton – telling the audience the former Secretary of State was the “best-qualified candidate.”

She wasn’t perfect,” said Obama “but she was way more perfect than many of the alternatives.

Read moreMichelle Obama Mocks Trump, Says Hillary Was “Most Qualified Candidate In History”

Michelle Obama Wants You To Know That The 2016 Election Was “Painful” For Her To Watch

And how painful has it been for us to watch what her husband has done to this country, after the traitor in Chief George W. Bush left office?

Michelle Obama Wants You To Know That The 2016 Election Was “Painful” For Her To Watch

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And for those who think that elite puppet Trump (or elite puppet Clinton) will make a difference …

Read moreMichelle Obama Wants You To Know That The 2016 Election Was “Painful” For Her To Watch

MICHELLE accidentally POPS OUT and OBAMA LAUGHS – 100% PROOF Obama Is Gay, Michelle Is A Man & Kids Are Adopted!! (Full Documentary)


H/t reader squodgy:

“How can 320million be so conned other than by being insular & in the matrix?”


H/t reader squodgy:

“Full Documentary. It’s not stupid & it’s not a joke.”

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AND NOW: Michelle Obama urged to run for president by three new political fundraising groups

H/t reader squodgy:

“From the fact that there are NO genuine records of his American Nationality, I would say his first legacy is that he is the first non American born President, apart from being the first African President of America.

The quotes & movies of him together with searches confirming his staunch socialist parental background confirm in my mind he was a groomed MK Manchurian Kandidate.

Turning to the records of “Michael” as Barack calls ‘her’, it is so grey as to warrant much more investigation.

The analysis and exposure of certain ‘masculine’ attributes raise more questions than answers, then in view of the way Barack has conducted his time in office re debt, war, poverty, unemployment, military spending, (all the highest levels ever), this snippet should trigger big alarms from Joe Bigmac:~”

Michelle Obama urged to run for president by three new political fundraising groups:

One of the PACs is called ‘Ready for Michelle’

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Joan Rivers: “Obama Is Gay, Michelle Is A Tranny” – WOAH! Proof Joan Rivers Was MURDERED By The Illuminati! NEW Evidence Revealed! BUSTED!




Asked by a street reporter whether a gay president or a female president will take office first, Rivers replied, “We already have it with Obama.”

H/t reader kevin a.





Joan Rivers had surprise throat biopsy that cut off her air supply, source claims – http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainm…

Joan Rivers: Obama is gay, Michelle is a tranny – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et38_…

Barack Obama Is A HOMOSEXUAL! And Michelle Obama Is A MAN! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuZHx…

Joan Rivers, Beyoncé Illuminati Rumors Arise After Comedian Dies On Singer’s Birthday – http://www.ibtimes.com/joan-rivers-be…

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Salt “Black Markets” Emerge in Indiana School System as Students Seek to Avoid Bland Michelle Obama Lunches

If this is considered a ‘meal’, then let’s put Michelle on a diet and give her 3 such meals per day for one year.


Michelle Obama Urges High Schoolers To Monitor Their Families’ Politically Incorrect Thoughts

Michelle Obama’s School Lunches In Pictures: ‘Is That Photo Taken From Death Row?’

Michelle Obama Accused Of Spending $10 Million Of Taxpayers’ Money On Her Vacations

And here are Michelle’s dogs …

Salt “Black Markets” Emerge in Indiana School System as Students Seek to Avoid Bland Michelle Obama Lunches (Liberty Blitzkrieg, June 26, 2015):

Late last year, a very popular meme emerged related to public school students taking pictures of their meager and clearly unhealthy school lunch options and posting them on social media. I covered one example in the post: This is What School Lunch Looks Like in Chickasha, Oklahoma. Here’s a picture:

Michelle Obama Lunch

Not only are the portions criminally small, but apparently they are also so bland that students in an Indiana school district have developed a black market in salt and pepper in order to make the lunch edibles. You gotta hand it to these kids. Well done.

From Reason:

Kids in a school district in Indiana have created a black market in salt packets, which they trade and sell to help mitigate the disgusting taste of the so-called healthy lunches mandated under federal guidelines.

These guidelines were championed by First Lady Michelle Obama. Like so many other clumsy government attempts to make people healthier by forbidding the consumption of things they like, the initiative is a costly failure.

Read moreSalt “Black Markets” Emerge in Indiana School System as Students Seek to Avoid Bland Michelle Obama Lunches

Feds To Weigh Children In Daycare As Part Of Michelle Obama’s Healthy Kids Initiative


Feds to Weigh Children in Daycare (Washington Free Beacon, March 20, 2015):

USDA collecting data for study mandated by Michelle Obama’s healthy eating law

Bureaucrats from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will weigh and measure children in daycare as part of a study mandated by First Lady Michelle Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act.

The agency published a notice in the Federal Register on Friday proposing data collection on what meals are served in professional and home daycare facilities and how much physical activity children perform.

Aside from assessing how healthy the food in daycare is, the USDA will also check the weight and height of roughly 3,000 children.

Read moreFeds To Weigh Children In Daycare As Part Of Michelle Obama’s Healthy Kids Initiative

Let Them Eat Fried Chicken (If They Vote Democrat)

Let Them Eat Fried Chicken (If They Vote Democrat) (ZeroHedge, Nov 4, 2014):

First Lady Michelle Obama – tireless advocate for healthy eating and exercise – appears to have reached her ethical limit when it comes to ‘getting out the vote’. It is no longer enough to offer free phones if the good people of America vote for Obama’s Democrat party, now the self-confessed food-Nazi is suggesting fried chicken if people vote Democrat today:

Obama gave her fried chicken blessing during an interview Monday with Roland Martin on News One for Black America (Transcription by Kristinn Taylor)

Martin: So can we, if we go out to the polls, can we say, we have ‘souls to the polls’ on Sunday, can we do ‘soul food after we vote’?

Obama: Absolutely, I give everyone full permission to eat some fried chicken after they vote only after – if you haven’t voted…(laughter.)

Martin: Just checking!

Obama: You make a good point because I am, I do talk about health. But I think that a good victory for Democrats on Tuesday, you know, should be rewarded with some fried chicken.

*  *  *

So if you like your fried chicken, you can keep it, as long as you vote Democrat.

Student’s Photo Of Skimpy Michelle O School lunch sparks outrage

Flotus - Dogs

Bon appétit!


Student’s photo of skimpy Michelle O school lunch sparks outrage (EAGnews, Oct 16, 2014):

CHICKASHA, Okla. – Lunch meat, a couple of crackers, a slice of cheese and two pieces of cauliflower qualified as lunch in Chickasha Public Schools Monday.

Student Kaytlin Shelton took a photo of the skimpy lunch and showed it to her parents.

“It makes me want to take that and take it to the Superintendent and tell him to eat it for lunch,” the girl tells Fox 25.

“I can go pay a dollar for a Lunchable and get more food in it,” her father, Vince Holton, says.

Shelton is pregnant and eating for two, complicating the problem.

Read moreStudent’s Photo Of Skimpy Michelle O School lunch sparks outrage

Michelle Obama Urges High Schoolers To Monitor Their Families’ Politically Incorrect Thoughts

Related info:

Michelle Obama Says Life On Campaign Trail Felt Like Military Life

Michelle Obama’s School Lunches In Pictures: ‘Is That Photo Taken From Death Row?’

Michelle Obama Accused Of Spending $10 Million Of Taxpayers’ Money On Her Vacations

Good Thing The US Only Has 6.6% Unemployment …

… or else the following photo just tweeted by Marie-Antoinette Michelle Obama of White House canines dining on fine taxpayer-funded china might have seemed just a little inappropriate.


Michelle Obama urges high schoolers to monitor their families’ politically incorrect thoughts (RT May 27, 2014):

In a speech seniors designed to commemorate the US Supreme Court decision that desegregated schools, First Lady Michelle Obama made a statement against racism to high school students that reminded critics of George Orwell’s “1984.”

Obama spoke to graduating high school students from five area high schools at the Topeka, Kan. Senior Recognition Day on May 16, the day before their graduation ceremony and on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that outlawed segregation in public schools. The court case began in Topeka in 1951.

Read moreMichelle Obama Urges High Schoolers To Monitor Their Families’ Politically Incorrect Thoughts

Michelle Obama’s School Lunches In Pictures: ‘Is That Photo Taken From Death Row?’

Michelle Obama’s School Lunches In Pictures: “Is That Photo Taken From Death Row?” (Freedom Outpost, April 8, 2014)

Read moreMichelle Obama’s School Lunches In Pictures: ‘Is That Photo Taken From Death Row?’

Good Thing The US Only Has 6.6% Unemployment …

… or maybe it’s just a ‘little’ higher than that …

Wall Street Adviser: Actual Unemployment Is 37.2%, ‘Misery Index’ Worst In 40 Years

RECOVERY: People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels

RECOVERY: U.S. Workforce-Participation Rate At 35-Year Low

The Real Unemployment Rate In The U.S. Is At Least 30%

Fake Employment Numbers – And 5 More Massive Economic Lies The U.S. Government Is Telling You

… but we don’t want to distract people from this important tweet …

Good Thing The US Only Has 6.6% Unemployment… (ZeroHedge, Feb 10, 2014):

… or else the following photo just tweeted by Marie-Antoinette Michelle Obama of White House canines dining on fine taxpayer-funded china might have seemed just a little inappropriate.

And this photo speaks volumes about the dog owner.

Read moreGood Thing The US Only Has 6.6% Unemployment …

Michelle Obama Accused Of Spending $10 Million Of Taxpayers’ Money On Her Vacations


Expensive massages, top shelf vodka and five-star hotels: First Lady accused of spending $10m in public money on her vacations (Daily Mail):

The Obamas’ summer break on Martha’s Vineyard has already been branded a PR disaster after the couple arrived four hours apart on separate government jets.

But according to new reports, this is the least of their extravagances.

White House sources today claimed that the First Lady has spent $10million of U.S. taxpayers’ money on vacations alone in the past year.

Branding her ‘disgusting’ and ‘a vacation junkie’, they say the 47-year-old mother-of-two has been indulging in five-star hotels, where she splashes out on expensive massages and alcohol.

For Queen Michelle, 17 Days in Paradise Just Not Enough

For Queen Michelle, 17 Days in Paradise Just Not Enough

For Queen Michelle, 17 Days in Paradise Just Not Enough (Truth Revolt, Jan 5, 2014):

WH: A ‘Birthday Present’ From President — And You Taxpayers

Seems 17 days in paradise just isn’t enough for Michelle Obama.

When President Obama and his daughters left Hawaii to return to the White House, the first lady stayed behind in the $25,000-a-week vacation mansion. The president let his wife stay on with friends as a “birthday present,” the White House said.

Yes, America, like it or not, you just bought the first lady a really nice present. See, when she flies home solo, likely on an Air Force C-40B Special Mission Aircraft flown from Washington, D.C., it’ll cost taxpayers about $126,000, according to the website WhiteHouseDossier.com.

Read moreFor Queen Michelle, 17 Days in Paradise Just Not Enough

Obama Using Food-Stamp Cash To Fund Michelle’s ‘Let’s Move’

First Lady Michelle Obama greets children (and “Elmo”) as part of the Let’s Move initiative.

Obama using food-stamp cash to fund Michelle’s ‘Let’s Move’ (New York Post, Nov 11, 2013):

As you dig into your Butterball with all the trimmings this Thanksgiving, remember that millions of famished schoolkids around America may be forced to forgo classic turkey — and chow down instead on vegan black-bean patties and organic locavore quinoa salad.

On Nov. 1, sizable cuts were gouged into the federal food-stamp program (or, as it’s now called, SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), which feeds 47.6 million people, or nearly one in six Americans. In the city, 1.9 million folks get the bulk of their Jell-O and Campbell’s Soup from stamps.

But news has spread among the poor, like leafy green vegetables, that it wasn’t heartless Republicans who triggered the cuts.

Rather, some of the food-stamp cash was snatched to pay for Michelle Obama’s pet project, Let’s Move. What?

It’s come to this. Some 76 million meals a year will vanish from this city — poof! — partly because the president diverted money from SNAP to the first lady’s signature program, part of her Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative — the bean-sprout-heavy, $4.5 billion Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

Read moreObama Using Food-Stamp Cash To Fund Michelle’s ‘Let’s Move’

FLOTUS Announces Twitter Updates ‘Limited’ Due To Shutdown

So Michelle Obama was not writing all those tweets herself?

Imagine my absence of shock.

FLOTUS Announces Twitter Updates ‘Limited’ Due to Shutdown (National Review, Oct 1, 2013):

First lady Michelle Obama tweeted on Tuesday afternoon that her Twitter account will see fewer updates due to the government shutdown.

In 2009, FactCheck.org found that the first lady had a staff of 24 people. It is unclear whether any of the first lady’s staff have been furloughed as a result of the government shutdown.

Michelle Obama’s Huge $500,000 Taxpayer Bill For A Shopping Trip To Spain

The following pic shows Michelle Obama in a masonic standing position.

Royal Excursion: While on the trip, the First Lady met with the King and Queen of Spain for a lunch date

??- Michelle Obama’s $500,000 shopping trip: Huge taxpayer bill for First Lady’s Spanish beach getaway revealed (Daily Mail,, April 27, 2012):

  • New documents disclose $500,000 tab Michelle Obama left  for taxpayers
  • Voters sour on Obamas’ lifestyle that critics call ‘tone-deaf’ and ‘hypocritical’
  • New video reveals First Lady’s ‘fantasy’ to sneak way from Secret Service
  • Mrs Obama mulls political future and possibility of Presidential run

The First Lady’s whirlwind tour of Spain in 2010 better have been a once in a lifetime trip, because her getaway cost taxpayers nearly half a million dollars.

The highly controversial and lavish trip drew ire at the time, but the White House assured the public that the Obamas picked up the tab on their own.

But new information from Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates government corruption, detailed the extensive security costs to the United States Air Force and Secret Service.

Read moreMichelle Obama’s Huge $500,000 Taxpayer Bill For A Shopping Trip To Spain