Gold Takedown Signalling U.S. Dollar Endgame? – BOOM!: Boston Marathon Bombings – On April 15, 1912 (101 Years Ago) The Titanic Sank – Is The USS Titanic About To Sink?

Gold takedown …

What Happened Last Time When Gold Dropped Like This?

Why Is Gold Crashing?

–  Gold Plummets By Most In 30 Years, Stocks Have Biggest Drop Of 2013

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Assault On Gold – Assault On Gold UPDATE:

Consider the 500 tons of paper gold sold on Friday. Begin with the question, how many ounces is 500 tons? There are 2,000 pounds to one ton. 500 tons equal 1,000,000 pounds. There are 16 ounces to one pound, which comes to 16 million ounces of short sales on Friday.

Who has 16 million ounces of gold? At the beginning gold price that day of about $1,550, that comes to $24,800,000,000. Who has that kind of money?

What happens when 500 tons of gold sales are dumped on the market at one time or on one day? Correct, it drives the price down. Investors who want to get out of large positions would spread sales out over time so as not to lower their sales proceeds. The sale took gold down by about $73 per ounce. That means the seller or sellers lost up to $73 dollars 16 million times, or $1,168,000,000.

Who can afford to lose that kind of money? Only a central bank that can print it.

… signalling U.S. dollar endgame?:

DHS Insider: ‘There Won’t Be Any Meaningful Deal About The Fiscal Crisis. This Is Planned … The Coming Collapse Of The U.S. Dollar Is A Done Deal.’

DH: How soon do you see things taking place?

RB: They already are in motion. If you’re looking for a date I can’t tell you. Remember, the objectives are the same, but plans, well, they adapt. They exploit. Watch how this fiscal cliff thing plays out. This is the run-up to the next big economic event.

I can’t give you a date. I can tell you to watch things this spring. Start with the inauguration and go from there. Watch the metals, when they dip. It will be a good indication that things are about to happen. I got that little tidbit from my friend at [REDACTED].

Hedge Fund Manager Kyle Bass: Senior Obama Administration Official Said: ‘We’re Just Going To Kill The Dollar’ (Video)

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BOOM!: Boston marathon bombings:

Boston Marathon Bombing Official Story Unravels – Why Did The Boston Bomb Squad Had All This Advance Knowledge?

Boston Marathon Bombings: University Of Mobile Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs, Spotters on Roofs Before Explosions – ‘They Kept Making Announcements To The Participants Do Not Worry, It’s Just A Training Exercise’

Boston Marathon Bombings: Reporters Ask Police: ‘Why Were People Told To Stay Calm Before The Bombs Went Off?’ (FOX News Video)

Boston Globe Twitter Feed: ‘Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.’

Copley Square will remain ‘locked down’ (Boston Herald, April 15, 2013):

… the National Guard has secured a 15-block crime scene and is limiting access in the area, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation has taken over the probe into who planted the explosives.

‘Illuminati Cards’ – Joggers – by Steve Jackson 1995

More cards here: 515 Iluminatti Playing Cards (Please share)

– – –

The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912 – Is the USS Titanic about to sink?:

( I hope you are all familiar with William Banzai’s ‘humor’!)

QE TiTaNiC 2013… (ZeroHedge, By William Banzai, April 15, 2013):


Farewell to the mighty QE

A ship for The Powers That Be

Ben keeps her afloat

‘Till Elites board their boat

While sheeple sink into the sea

The Limerick King

<strong>- <a title=”Permanent Link to DHS Insider: ‘There Won’t Be Any Meaningful Deal About The Fiscal Crisis. This Is Planned … The Coming Collapse Of The U.S. Dollar Is A Done Deal.’” rel=”bookmark” href=””>DHS  Insider: ‘There Won’t Be Any Meaningful Deal About The Fiscal Crisis.  This Is Planned … The Coming Collapse Of The U.S. Dollar Is A Done  Deal.’</a></strong>
<blockquote>DH: How soon do you see things taking place? 

RB: They already are in motion. If you’re looking for a date I can’t tell you. Remember, the objectives are the same, but plans, well, they adapt. They exploit. Watch how this fiscal cliff thing plays out. <strong><span style=”color: #ff0000;”>This is the run-up to the next big economic event.</span></strong>

I can’t give you a date. <span style=”color: #ff0000;”><strong>I can tell you to watch things this spring.</strong></span> Start with the inauguration and go from there. <span style=”color: #ff0000;”><strong>Watch the metals, when they dip. It will be a good indication that things are about to happen.</strong></span> I got that little tidbit from my friend at [REDACTED].</blockquote>
<strong>- <a title=”Permanent Link to Hedge Fund Manager Kyle Bass: Senior Obama Administration Official Said: ‘We’re Just Going To Kill The Dollar’ (Video)” rel=”bookmark” href=””>Hedge Fund Manager Kyle Bass: <span style=”color: #ff0000;”>Senior Obama Administration Official Said: ‘We’re Just Going To Kill The Dollar’</span> (Video)</a></strong>

1 thought on “Gold Takedown Signalling U.S. Dollar Endgame? – BOOM!: Boston Marathon Bombings – On April 15, 1912 (101 Years Ago) The Titanic Sank – Is The USS Titanic About To Sink?”

  1. I remember when gold crashed from $1000.00 an ounce to $200.00 in the early 1980s. It happens. I think the fact the US dollar has lost 40% of world GDP conversion is far more hurtful. Until June of 2010, all international trade was completed in US dollars. Once electronic currencies started with the advent of the Sucre by the South American Trade Alliance, that was the beginning of the end of US dominance , not this. Conversion to the dollar became obsolete, Russia & China and many other nations jumped on the ship. By this time next year, who knows? This is just another blip started by speculators.


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