New Robocop Movie Envisions World Patrolled By Drones

New Robocop Movie Envisions World Patrolled by Drones (Infowars, Nov 8, 2013):

Americans need to be brainwashed out of their ‘robophobia’

The fourth installment of the Robocop franchise, set for release in February next year, is based around the premise that robotic drones patrol the world but that America is the last holdout and needs to be brainwashed into relinquishing its “robophobia”.

A new trailer for the movie released today features a scene in which Samuel L. Jackson promises to make even the worst neighborhood in America “completely safe,” before showing footage of huge lumbering robots acting as military patrols in middle eastern countries, whose citizens are forced to submit to biometric scans by the robots in order to avoid being treated as a criminal.

“It is great to see American machines helping to promote peace abroad – so then tell me why can’t we use these machines here at home? Why is America so robophobic?” asks Jackson in his role as a showman advocate of mechanized crime control.

Read moreNew Robocop Movie Envisions World Patrolled By Drones

‘RoboCop’ Guards To Patrol South Korean Prisons

Robot guards with sensors to detect abnormal behaviour will soon begin patrolling South Korean prisons to ease the burden on their human counterparts, researchers said on Thursday.

Prison guard robot: Three robots will be tested at a correctional facility in the southeastern city of Pohang next March when development is completed Photo: EPA

‘RoboCop’ guards to patrol South Korean prisons (Telegraph, Nov. 24, 2011):

A group of scientists has developed the robot warders under a one billion won (£546,000) project organised by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy.

The robots – 1.5 metres (five feet) high and running on four wheels – will mostly be used at night.

They can connect prisoners with officers through a remote conversation function, according to a statement from the Asian Forum for Corrections (AFC), a South Korea-based group of researchers in criminality and prison policies.

Read more‘RoboCop’ Guards To Patrol South Korean Prisons

Met Police officers to be ‘microchipped’ by top brass in Big Brother style tracking scheme

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Met Chief Sir Ian Blair could be among 31,000 officers to receive the new electronic tracking device

Every single Metropolitan police officer will be ‘microchipped’ so top brass can monitor their movements on a Big Brother style tracking scheme, it can be revealed today.

According to respected industry magazine Police Review, the plan – which affects all 31,000 serving officers in the Met, including Sir Ian Blair – is set to replace the unreliable Airwave radio system currently used to help monitor officer’s movements.

The new electronic tracking device – called the Automated Personal Location System (APLS) – means that officers will never be out of range of supervising officers.

But many serving officers fear being turned into “Robocops” – controlled by bosses who have not been out on the beat in years.

According to service providers Telent, the new technology ‘will enable operators in the Service’s operations centres to identify the location of each police officer’ at any time they are on duty – whether overground or underground.

Although police chiefs say the new technology is about ‘improving officer safety’ and reacting to incidents more quickly, many rank and file believe it is just a Big Brother style system to keep tabs on them and make sure they don’t ‘doze off on duty’.

Some officers are concerned that the system – which will be able to pinpoint any of the 31,000 officers in the Met to within a few feet of their location – will put a complete end to community policing and leave officers purely at the beck and call of control room staff rather than reacting to members of the public on the ground.

Pete Smyth, chairman of the Met Police Federation, said: “This could be very good for officers’ safety but it could also involve an element of Big Brother.

“We need to look at it very carefully.”

Other officers, however, were more scathing, saying the new system – set to be implemented within the next few weeks – will turn them into ‘Robocops’ simply obeying instructions from above rather than using their own judgement.

One officer, working in Peckham, south London, said: “They are keeping the exact workings of the system very hush-hush at the moment – although it will be similar to the way criminals are electronically tagged. There will not be any choice about wearing one.

Read moreMet Police officers to be ‘microchipped’ by top brass in Big Brother style tracking scheme