Popular olive oil brand sued for selling fake product cut with cheap fillers


Popular olive oil brand sued for selling fake product cut with cheap fillers (Natural News, April 2, 2015):

You’ve probably seen them at the grocery store: those ubiquitous, clear bottles of so-called olive oil that contain a strange, yellowish substance branded as “extra virgin.” One of the largest purveyors of this anomalous oil is the subject of a new lawsuit alleging that its products are not, in fact, real extra-virgin olive oil, but rather a cheap imitation cut with refined vegetables oils and other cheap fillers.

Read morePopular olive oil brand sued for selling fake product cut with cheap fillers

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Extra virgin olive oil prevents abnormal brain tangle formation to prevent Alzheimer’s disease (Natural News, June 10, 2013):

The number of people suffering from Alzheimer’s dementia worldwide currently totals 30 million, with new cases expected to triple by the year 2050. What has changed over the past 50 years to account for such an epidemic rise in this once extremely rare disease, now being diagnosed more increasingly in younger individuals under the age of 40? The most obvious answer is found with an examination of the fast-paced, processed diet eaten by a growing number of people that replaces natural monounsaturated fats with hydrogenated trans-fats that compete for placement in cell walls.

Read moreExtra Virgin Olive Oil Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Study: Statin Drugs Accelerate Hardening of Arteries

New Study Finds Statin Drugs Accelerate Hardening of Arteries (Live In The Now, Aug 27, 2012):

The pharmaceutical industry claims the cardiovascular benefits of statins outweigh their many troubling side effects, as well as their risk of causing type 2 diabetes. A new study that shows these drugs accelerate arterial calcification appears to refute this claim, leaving Big Pharma without a leg to stand on.

Findings are a blow to Big Pharma’s claims.

In the research published in Diabetes Care, scientists examining patients with type 2 diabetes and severe atherosclerosis discovered that coronary artery calcification was decidedly greater in more frequent statin users compared to those who were less frequent users. Even more disturbing, in a subgroup of participants who initially did not take statins, advancement of coronary artery calcification (CAC) and aortic artery calcification (AAC) was decidedly greater in those who used statins frequently.

Read moreStudy: Statin Drugs Accelerate Hardening of Arteries

Olive Oil Lowers Mortality By A Quarter And Heart Disease By Nearly One-Half

Olive oil lowers mortality by a quarter and heart disease by nearly one-half (Natural News, July 24, 2012):

Followers of the popular Mediterranean diet have known for years that eating fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and plenty of extra virgin olive oil is beneficial to health. Recent studies have continued to bolster this eating pattern, with much less emphasis on overcooked meats, hydrogenated fats and fried foods. They may not realize that many of the benefits come from the monounsaturated fats provided by the liberal use of fresh-pressed olive oil.

Reporting in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers from Spain found that the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil work synergistically with essential fatty acids such as the omega-3 fat, DHA to enhance their incorporation into cell membranes. The scientists found an association between greater olive oil intake and a lower risk of dying over an average of 13.4 years of follow-up.

Read moreOlive Oil Lowers Mortality By A Quarter And Heart Disease By Nearly One-Half

Health Basics: How Do You Live To Be 110?

In case you want to get really old:

Li Ching-Yun lived 197 years (Inquiry Put Age At 256) (New York Times May 6, 1933)

Health Basics: How do you live to be 110? (Natural News, Jan. 17, 2012):

Tell someone you’re over 100 years old, and they might assume the worst right away, guessing that you have a dozen medication bottles next to the bed and that your health is quickly deteriorating. How could it be that a man who’s going on 111 and taking no medication, who simply eats fresh vegetables, olive oil, honey, cinnamon, garlic and chocolate, can bounce around his kitchen like he’s half his age?

When Bernando LaPallo of Mesa, Arizona tells his secrets of longevity and vitality, your jaw drops to the ground, wondering how he avoided all of the “ABCD’s” of those “senior years” – you know, Alzheimer’s, brittle bones, cancer and/or diabetes. Could it be that Western Medicine has it all wrong, and all we ever needed were raw veggies, super-foods, raw nuts and berries, and some barley soup? Maybe Medicare and Medicaid should broker a deal with the makers of power juicers and call it “Universal Healthcare.”

This August, 2012, Bernando LaPallo will turn 111 years of age, and he still has no problem walking at least a mile daily and receiving phone calls from people all around the world who want to hear how he’s done it, and how to make their own lives better. This author and role model keeps it so simple, you don’t need a recipe book or health guide to live to be 110 or better.

Here’s the (fountain of youth) breakdown and just a few of the raw food “natural medicines” you can turn into your own daily regimen, so your mind, body, and spirit can thrive well into triple digits:

Read moreHealth Basics: How Do You Live To Be 110?

Study: Olive Oil Halts Growth Of Breast Cancer Tumors

Read this article in German here:

Olivenöl kann Wachstum von Brustkrebs stoppen

And only use organic olive oil.

(NaturalNews) Olive oil may help prevent and even fight breast cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, and published in the journal Carcinogenesis.

The researchers found that olive oil appeared to protect rat DNA from the damage that can lead to cancer. Furthermore, it seemed to deactivate key proteins required for the continued survival of breast cancer cells.

Because the benefits were only seen in rats who consumed olive oil over the long term, researcher Eduard Escrich recommends that everyone consume 50 milliliters (10 teaspoons) of high-quality, extra-virgin olive oil each day.

Previous studies have linked olive oil to a lowered risk of certain kinds of cancer. Olive oil is also a critical component of the Mediterranean diet, which is associated with a lower risk of not only cancer, but also heart disease and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

In another study, conducted by researchers from Barcelona’s Insitut Municial d’Investigacion Medica and published in the journal FASEB, olive oil was found to hamper the activity of genes associated with the hardening of arteries characteristic of heart disease.

Read moreStudy: Olive Oil Halts Growth Of Breast Cancer Tumors