Christopher Hitchens warned about the developements in the UK. Such as the arrest of Identitarian leader Martin Sellner and his girlfriend @BrittPettibone by criminalizing criticism of Islam as Islamophobia.

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More Islamic State jihadis now in UK than Britons in Syria fighting the Islamic State

More Islamic State jihadis now in UK than Britons in Syria fighting the Islamic State:

“The source told the Daily Star Sunday that up to 300 people who have returned from Syria after fighting for Isis are believed to be living in the London borough of Tower Hamlets, using innocent Muslims as cover.”

Why don’t those innocent Muslims turn them in to authorities?

Why were they admitted back into Britain in the first place? They joined an entity that repeatedly reiterated that it was at war with Britain and called upon Muslims to murder British police, soldiers, and civilians. They are enemy combatants. Whose bright idea was it to let them back into Britain to run around loose? Why, Theresa May’s, of course. She is much more concerned with keeping foes of jihad out of Britain than protecting her people from Islamic State jihadis. If she had kept these jihadis from returning, her Muslim constituency might have been offended.

“Welcome to JIHAD BRITAIN: More Islamic State nuts here than Brits fighting ISIS,” by Patrick Williams, Daily Star, February 4, 2018:

Senior MI5 spies fear hardened fighters have returned to the UK intent on recruiting more fanatics to carry out attacks on our shores.

Intelligence chiefs believe hundreds of Brits have returned to the UK and are now living in areas with the highest concentrations of Muslims.

Read moreMore Islamic State jihadis now in UK than Britons in Syria fighting the Islamic State

Germany’s intelligence services: Network of 40 Salafist sisters preach hate and indoctrination online

Network of 40 Salafist sisters preach hate and indoctrination online – German intel:

Germany’s intelligence services have identified an Islamist terrorist network made up of 40 women. Female extremists with hundreds of Facebook followers are increasingly filling the gap left by their imprisoned husbands.

Burkhard Freier, the head of the North Rhine-Westphalian Office for the Protection of the Constitution, told Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper that the local female extremist network of “40 sisters” followed a strict Salafist doctrine —informing their advice on everything from raising children to interpreting the religious rules of Islam and stirring up hatred against so-called “non-believers.”  The network was active on the internet, determined to proselytize their Salafist ideology (an ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam) aggressively to other would-be members.

Read moreGermany’s intelligence services: Network of 40 Salafist sisters preach hate and indoctrination online

Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour Accused Of Enabling Sexual Assault Of Female Employee


Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour Accused Of Enabling Sexual Assault Of Female Employee:

Feminist activist and Women’s March organizer, Linda Sarsour, has been accused of enabling the sexual assault of a female employee who worked for her in 2009 at the Arab American Association, two sources “directly familiar” with the matter tell the Daily Caller.

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Germany Warns Of “Highly Radicalized” ISIS Wives, Children

Germany Warns Of “Highly Radicalized” ISIS Wives, Children:

About one-third of the close to 1,000 Germans who travelled to fight for ISIS have returned to the country.

Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of Germany’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), warned that many women and children “had become so radicalized and identify so deeply with IS-ideology that, by all accounts, they must also be identified as jihadis.”

“There are children who have been brainwashed and highly radicalized at ‘schools’ in IS-held areas,” Maassen said in an interview with Deutsche Presse Agentur.

“It’s a problem for us because many of these kids and teenagers can sometimes be dangerous.”

The number of terrorism-related cases investigated by German authorities have quadrupled over the past year, according to newspaper Welt am Sonntag.

Read moreGermany Warns Of “Highly Radicalized” ISIS Wives, Children

Canada: “Leading expert” insists that jihad “terrorist travellers” can be rehabilitated

Canada: “Leading expert” insists that jihad “terrorist travellers” can be rehabilitated:

University of Waterloo Sociology professor Lorne Dawson thinks jihadists can be rehabilitated because they are “disillusioned and traumatized.” Dawson displays an appalling insensitivity to the millions of victims who have experienced the real trauma of abuses, torture and murder inflicted upon them by jihadists. Dawson states:

No credible expert in the world thinks you arrest your way out of jihadist radicalization — it’s a social movement..You can’t possibly arrest all the people who are engaged with this ideology.

Dawson makes a silly, general, sweeping claim in an attempt to divert attention away from returning Islamic State fighters to Canada, who should face consequences for their war crimes, have their citizenship revoked and be kept safely away from the public. Murderers who are locked up in maximum security jails are child’s play compared to jihadists who have engaged in the cruelest, unimaginable atrocities against innocent people in their war of conquest.

Read moreCanada: “Leading expert” insists that jihad “terrorist travellers” can be rehabilitated

Sweden’s New Government Censorship Exposed

Sweden’s New Government Censorship Exposed:

Authored by Judith Bergman via The Gatestone Institute,

  • In the report, placing the word “refugees” in quotation marks, as well as “unaccompanied children,” is supposedly an expression of “hate”. (Many, if not most, migrants classified as “unaccompanied children” have turned out to be grown men).
  • Government agencies are going out of their way to protect the “integrity” of possible jihadists out of concern for a “democratic society” — the society that these jihadists want to subvert and destroy — and are using their government platform to smear non-mainstream media for matters as small as the use of quotation marks. What about the “integrity” of Swedish citizens and their right to not be blown up?
  • Why is a municipality sponsoring an organization that supports terrorists and even awarding it prizes? It appears that glorifying terrorism is acceptable in Sweden, so long as its victims are the Israeli children. Far from countering “hate”, Sweden appears to be doing all it can to strengthen Muslim extremism.

The Swedish government is now officially questioning free speech. A government agency has declared so-called Swedish “new media” — news outlets that refuse to subscribe to the politically correct orthodoxies of the mainstream media — a possible threat to democracy. In a government report, tellingly called “The White Hatred” written by Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (Total Defense Research Institute), a government agency under the Swedish Ministry of Defense, Swedish new media such as Samhällsnytt (formerly known as Avpixlat), Nyheter Idag and Nya Tider are lumped together with neo-Nazi media such as Nordfront.

Read moreSweden’s New Government Censorship Exposed

Rothschild Puppet Emmanuel Macron Blames France For The Rise Of Islamic Radicalisation

Emmanuel Macron Blames France for the Rise of Islamic Radicalisation:

French President Emmanuel Macron has blamed France for the rise of Islamism and said the Republic was not good enough for “youths”, as he outlined a series of social programmes for the country’s migrant-dominated, low-income neighbourhoods.

“Radicalisation has taken hold because the French Republic has resigned,” Macron said on Tuesday in the northern French city of Tourcoing, near Lille, as he outlined 15 social policy plans.

Focusing on the banlieues (low-income housing projects), which are home to large Muslim populations and were known for mass riots a decade ago, the French president said: “I will never confuse the few thousand radicalised and the millions of inhabitants of these neighbourhoods.”

Read moreRothschild Puppet Emmanuel Macron Blames France For The Rise Of Islamic Radicalisation

Germany: No terror charge for Muslim migrant who attacked shoppers while screaming “Allahu akbar”

Germany: No terror charge for Muslim migrant who attacked shoppers while screaming “Allahu akbar”:

He wanted to murder Christians, but apparently to charge him with terrorism would be “Islamophobic.”

“Palestinian Migrant Who Attacked Hamburg Shoppers Wanted to Kill Christians,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, November 12, 2017 (thanks to the Geller Report):

German federal prosecutors now believe that Hamburg supermarket attacker Ahmad A. was motivated by religious hatred to kill German Christians, but have refused to charge him with terrorism.

Read moreGermany: No terror charge for Muslim migrant who attacked shoppers while screaming “Allahu akbar”

A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in France: October 2017

A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in France: October 2017:

  • Article 57 of the French Civil Code states that the name chosen by parents must be in “the best interests of the child.” If the public prosecutor thinks the name “Jihad” is contrary to the law, he can ask a judge to order the name to be changed. If the parents are unable or unwilling to choose a new name, the judge has the right to choose a name.
  • Of the 1,900 French jihadists fighting with the Islamic State, as many as one-fifth have received as much as €500,000 ($580,000) in social welfare payments from the French state, according to Le Figaro.
  • Henda Ayari, in an interview with Le Parisien, gave detailed public testimony accusing Tariq Ramadan of sexually assaulting her in Paris. She said that Ramadan believes that “either you wear a veil or you get raped.”

October 1. A 29-year-old illegal immigrant from Tunisia stabbed two women to death at the central train station in Marseille. Witnesses heard the assailant shout “Allahu Akbar” as he lunged at the women with a 20-centimetre (eight-inch) knife before threatening soldiers, who shot him dead. The man, identified as Ahmed Hanachi, was using seven different identities and had a long criminal history. He had been arrested in Lyon for shoplifting just days before the attack, but those charges were dropped due to a lack evidence. He was released, despite not having the documents needed to live in France. Why he was never deported remains unclear.

Read moreA Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in France: October 2017

New York City Submits to Islam

New York City Submits to Islam:

  • The media began to paint Muslims as the victims of Saipov’s attack — not the dead and the wounded victims of the terrorist.
  • “As a Muslim committed to fighting Islamism, I appeal to you: The need for strong surveillance of Muslim communities in the West has never been greater…. Counterterrorism experts and politicians must know that far from being Islamophobic, the scrutiny is supported by Islam…. Nations seasoned in combating Islamism — most recently, Egypt…. have identified mosques as critical nerve centers for Islamism. Mosques in Egypt, for example, are monitored by the state….Islam itself demands no less.” — Dr. Qanta Ahmed, Muslim physician, Newsday.
  • New York has adopted, in its entirety, the European response to Islamic terrorism: Appeasement and genuflection to Islam. Historically, such behavior was required by non-Muslim citizens of Islamic states, known as dhimmis, in exchange for “protection”. The question is why American citizens, who live in the United States and not in an Islamic state, feel obliged to submit to Islam?

On October 31, Sayfullo Saipov, a Muslim immigrant from Uzbekistan, shouted, “Allahu Akbar!” (“Allah is the greatest!”) as he rammed his rented truck into 20 people in downtown Manhattan, killing eight and wounding twelve more. The truck-ramming attack, a terrorist tactic popularized by jihadists in Israel, then Europe, was the deadliest terror attack in New York since September 11, 2001. The response to Saipov’s attack from New York City officials, as well as the US media, displays the extent to which officials have submitted to Islamic terrorism since then, and how unquestioningly the mainstream media backs this capitulation. Americans should be extremely worried.

NY Deputy Police Commissioner John Miller said after the attack:

“This is not about Islam, this is not about the mosque he attends, there are hundreds of thousands of law abiding Muslims in New York City, who are adversely affected by things like this. It is probably a good time to say that we have seen in the aftermath of incidents like these, bias incidents, hate crimes, assaults… and anybody behind those will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law”.

In fact, this attack had everything to do with Islam. Saipov was a devout Muslim, who left a note at the site of the attack making clear that he had committed the atrocity on behalf of ISIS, an organization that is, as studies have shown, nothing if not Islamic. The mosque Saipov allegedly attended had actually been under surveillance since 2005; and mosques are among the most popular places for Muslim outreach, dawa. Although the internet also plays a role in the radicalization process, a recent study showed that face-to-face encounters are even more important.

Read moreNew York City Submits to Islam

Europe, U.S. Flooded by Thousands of Jihadis After Islamic State Failure

I hope my readers in Europe are preparing for the coming collapse, because after the financial collapse, there will be civil war all over the place, especially in France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Britain.

The greatest revolution of all time is reserved for the US. All troops will be ordered back home and it will be not enough to restore law and order in the US.


Report: Europe, U.S. Flooded by Thousands of Jihadis After Islamic State Failure: 

A new report commissioned by the Soufan Center has outlined the threat posed by potential Western Islamic State (ISIS) fighters returning to their countries of origin as the caliphate continues to collapse.

The report, titled “Beyond the Caliphate, Foreign Fighters and the Threat of Returnees,” finds that at least 5,600 men, women, and children from 33 countries who traveled to support the Islamic State have now returned to their country of origin, many of which are in the West.

It also estimates that around 30 percent of the approximately 5,000 people who have gone to Syria from countries in the European Union have returned home. Seven of the 129 who went to join ISIS from the United States are now back on home turf, the report adds.

Read moreEurope, U.S. Flooded by Thousands of Jihadis After Islamic State Failure

With Highest Jihadist Per Capita Rate in EU, Belgium Moves To Repatriate Children Taken to Islamic State

With Highest Jihadist Per Capita Rate in EU, Belgium Moves To Repatriate Children Taken to Islamic State:

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AFP) – The mass retreat of the Islamic State group from its territories in Syria and Iraq has left Europe grappling with the risk of foreign fighters returning home.

But in Belgium, authorities are also turning their attention to repatriating children stranded in the war zones.

With an estimated 500 citizens who have reached or attempted to reach the conflict zones, Belgium has the highest number of jihadists per capita in the EU.

Read moreWith Highest Jihadist Per Capita Rate in EU, Belgium Moves To Repatriate Children Taken to Islamic State

Turkish Education: Jihad In, Evolution Out

Burak Bekdil, one of Turkey’s leading journalists, was recently fired from Turkey’s leading newspaper after 29 years, for writing what was taking place in Turkey for Gatestone. He is a Fellow at the Middle East Forum.

Turkish Education: Jihad In, Evolution Out:

  • Turkey has now become the first and only NATO member state that teaches “jihad” in its schools. Although the Turkish government claims that “jihad” means a “spiritual inner struggle for salvation,” the official Turkish dictionary defines it as a “war fought in the name of religion.”
  • “Why would a young man, indeed a young woman, would want to return to a country where there are 50,000 [political] people in prison, including 200 journalists, opposition media is gagged, women are second class citizens, and where Darwin’s theory of evolution has been taken off academic curriculum because it contradicts teachings of Islam? To these bright young kids, returning to Turkey must appear like hopping on H. G. Wells’s ‘Time Machine’ and travelling back a few centuries.” — Fuad Kavur, London-based Turkish-British film producer.

Turkey’s Islamist strongman, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, draws such a rosy picture of his war-torn country that his audiences might think the world’s youth, in envy, should be flocking to Turkey to breathe an air of academic excellence and freedoms. On the other hand, however, he complains of a massive brain drain in the Muslim world, including Turkey, heading to the Western countries, which he explicitly despises. A gross contradiction? Just an Islamist’s usual ideological impasse.

In a recent speech, Erdogan said that the Muslim world has been losing students to the West in a brain drain, and that this intellectual emigration must be prevented:

Read moreTurkish Education: Jihad In, Evolution Out

UK: Muslim radio station loses license after broadcasting calls to jihad violence

UK: Muslim radio station loses license after broadcasting calls to jihad violence:

Sermons by radical preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, aired by Iman FM during Ramadan, “amounted to a direct call to action to members of the Muslim community to prepare for and carry out violent action against non-Muslim people.”

This series went on for some time, without complaints from viewers. It is revealing that this station was inciting hatred and violence against the infidel with no immediate outcries from those Muslims who listened.

It is not enough to have the station’s license revoked. The station’s managers should face charges, as should the case every time Muslims broadcast messages that “condone, promote and encourage violent behaviour towards non-Muslim people.”

“‘Imam FM’: Muslim Radio Station Has Licence Revoked After Broadcasting Call to Violence Sermons”, by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, July 28, 2017:

Read moreUK: Muslim radio station loses license after broadcasting calls to jihad violence

European Court stops Germany from deporting “dangerous” Muslim who said he was ready to commit jihad massacre

European Court stops Germany from deporting “dangerous” Muslim who said he was ready to commit jihad massacre:

“Authorities accused him of being capable of planning a terror attack in Germany, arguing that he had sympathies with Isis as well as suicidal thoughts, and alleging that he had told another Islamist from Essen that he was ready to carry out an attack on civilians.”

What could possibly go wrong? Only racist, bigoted “Islamophobes” would be anything but worried for the welfare of this poor lamb!

“European court halts Germany’s deportation of ‘dangerous’ Islamist suspect,” The Local, August 2, 2017:

Read moreEuropean Court stops Germany from deporting “dangerous” Muslim who said he was ready to commit jihad massacre