– Gerber Toddler Snack Tests 100% Positive for GMO Insecticide Corn (Sustainable Pulse, April 7, 2015):
GMO Free USA has published the results of independent lab testing which documented that Gerber Lil’ Crunchies Veggie Dip Baked Whole Grain Corn toddler snack contains high levels of herbicide tolerant, insecticide producing genetically engineered corn.
GMO Free USA stated; “We sent a package of Gerber Graduates Lil’ Crunchies Veggie Dip Baked Whole Grain Corn Snack to a certified lab to test for the presence of GMO material. The quantitative PCR test verified, by DNA analysis, that 100% of the corn in the Lil’ Crunchies Veggie Dip was GMO. All of the corn has been genetically engineered to be herbicide tolerant (Roundup Ready) and the corn contained DNA sequences known to be present in Bt insecticide-producing GMO corn.”
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