PLEOMORPHIC MICROBES: The Hidden Cause of Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases


The Hidden Cause of Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases

Walter Last

For nearly a century we had increasingly strong evidence for a common microbial cause of cancer and autoimmune diseases but now we also have visual proof. A newly developed research microscope can show us in great detail what happens in the blood of individuals who develop these diseases. What it shows is that the key for understanding their cause and cure is the rise, or perhaps better the uprising, of an endogenous microbe in the blood.

Based on the work of Louis Pasteur in the late 19th century the scientific community adopted the concept of monomorphism. This means that microbes always maintain their basic shape as virus, bacterium or fungus. The term pleomorphism, on the other hand, as coined by the French chemist and biologist Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908), refers to the ability of microbes to change from one form into another, similar to a caterpillar changing into a butterfly.

Read morePLEOMORPHIC MICROBES: The Hidden Cause of Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases

Alzheimer’s Disease: Deadly Infectious Cause Known And Hidden – Prions

Alzheimer’s Disease: Deadly Infectious Cause Known and Hidden – Prions (Ed Ward, MD’s Blog, June 21, 2013):

Alzheimer’s Disease: Deadly Infectious Cause Known and Hidden – Prions

Government’s, Corporation’s and Search Engines Deadly Secret: “Alzheimer’s Disease is a Prion Disease.” Original brief article

Alzheimer’s Disease Is a Prion Disease. A TSE, Transmissable (Transmittable) Spongiform Encephalopathy: Variants, Sub Variants of TSE Prions – Mad Cow Disease – BSE, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakobs Disease, Kuru, Sheep and Goat Scrapie, Cat – FSE, Elk and Deer – CWD, Chronic Wasting Disease.  There are also ‘inherited’ genes that may cause a small portion of CJD, GSS and FFI.  But, as will be discussed briefly later in the article, may or may not be correct.

One side is your brain. The other side is your brain on prions.

“Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and is the fifth leading cause among people aged 65 years and over. People aged 85 years and over have a 5.4 times greater risk of dying from Alzheimer’s disease than people aged 75–84 years.

The age-adjusted death rate from Alzheimer’s disease increased by 39 percent from 2000 through 2010 in the United States.” There is a 400% increase expected by 2050.

Read moreAlzheimer’s Disease: Deadly Infectious Cause Known And Hidden – Prions

West Virginia: Ten Additional Deer Test Positive for Chronic Wasting Disease

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Preliminary test results indicate the Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) agent was present in 10 hunter-harvested deer collected during the 2010 deer firearms hunting season.

“As part of our agency’s ongoing CWD monitoring effort, samples were collected from 1,056 hunter-harvested deer brought to game checking stations in Hampshire County and one station near the southern Hampshire County line in Hardy County,” said Frank Jezioro, Director of the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR).

Read moreWest Virginia: Ten Additional Deer Test Positive for Chronic Wasting Disease

Wisconsin Will Allow Hunters To Move Deer Carcasses Out Of CWD Zone


Fitchburg (AP) – State wildlife officials say they’ll allow hunters to move dead deer out of the chronic wasting disease zone beginning next month.

Hunters and motorists currently can move carcasses and body parts from the zone within the zone and into management units next to it. Beginning Oct. 1, they’ll be permitted to move the bodies and parts out of the zone if they take them to a licensed meat processor or taxidermist within 72 hours of registration.

Department of Natural Resources officials say they made the change because processors and taxidermists must follow strict waste disposal rules, negating the risk of contamination. They say they also want to let hunters process and mount their deer closer to home.

The CWD management zone includes parts of Adams, Crawford, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Juneau, Kenosha, Lafayette, Marquette, Racine, Richland, Rock, Sauk, Vernon, Walworth and Waukesha counties.

Read moreWisconsin Will Allow Hunters To Move Deer Carcasses Out Of CWD Zone

Canada: Deer With Chronic Wasting Disease Found In More Alberta Areas

Documents reveal government struggled with hunter surveillance program

Mule deer bucks Photograph by: Bruce Edwards, The Journal, Edmonton Journal

EDMONTON — The Alberta government is expanding its hunter surveillance program for chronic wasting disease, as positive deer continue to turn up in an increasingly larger area.

An additional seven wildlife management units were added to the list this year, bringing the total to 26. Hunters must turn in the heads of any deer killed in this area for testing. The area began by hugging the Alberta/Saskatchewan border, but has since expanded west and south.

Tests caught 75 positive cases among the thousands of mule and white-tailed deer turned in so far. The first positive case was in an emaciated mule deer found in 2005 in a farmyard about 30 kilometres southeast of Oyen. (To view a map showing all positive cases, go to

Read moreCanada: Deer With Chronic Wasting Disease Found In More Alberta Areas

US: Entire West Virginia County Is CWD Containment Area

Romney, W.Va. (AP) — All of Hampshire County is now designated as a chronic wasting disease containment area.

The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources said Monday that 12 deer tested in the county in the spring tested positive for the disease.

Another 15 deer killed during the fall 2009 hunting season also tested positive.

Chronic wasting disease affects the brains and nervous systems of deer and elk.

A total 74 deer have tested positive for the disease since the first case was confirmed in 2005.

All the cases have been in Hampshire County.

Read moreUS: Entire West Virginia County Is CWD Containment Area