Defend your hippo! (Clif High Video)

H/t reader Squodgy:

Clif High explains how memories are created & stored, joining dots leading to a link with Aluminium (ALOOMINUM) which actually damages the brain’s processing abilities and destroys the memory creation process which is a key factor for Project MKULTRA for mind control and using aluminium oxide in chemtrails does indeed seem to be a worldwide plan to wipe out the memory storage capacity of the masses.


One aluminum molecule replaces 3 boron molecules in the brain.

Simply put… boron switches the flow of energy/electricity/life force on, aluminum turns it off… 

…which is one of many reasons why I repeatedly repost those infos about borax/boron…

The Borax Conspiracy: How The Arthritis Cure Has Been Stopped – Fluoride Detox – Candida – Osteoporosis – Cancer – Autoimmune Disease – Diabetes

Boron and iodine are used to decalcify the pineal gland.

Cilantro is used to kick aluminum & other heavy metals out of the cells/body.

Sufficient amounts of selenium, magnesium, vitamin b-complex (and even additional B1, B2, B3), vitamin c, zinc, etc.

Researchers at the University of California at Irvine gave the human dose equivalent of 2,000 to 3,000 mg of vitamin B3 to mice with Alzheimer’s. (2) It worked. Kim Green, one of the researchers, is quoted as saying, “Cognitively, they were cured. They performed as if they’d never developed the disease.”

Spirulina, chlorella, wheat & barley grass are important to detoxify the body from all kinds of heavy metals (even radioactive particles) and to supply the body with nutrients and to keep that brain of ours working just fine.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and Omega3 algae oil are highly recommended as well.

Dandelion, lapacho, nettles, ground elder, ramson/bear’s garlic, chicory root and many other herbs contain large amounts of boron and numerous other substances that help with detoxification.

Do your research & team up with nature.



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Crypto Conundrum with Clif High and Dani Katz (Video)


If there will be, as predicted, a (planned) financial collapse & hyperinflation, followed by (planned) all-out civil war, which will be directly followed by (planned) WW3, which will be interrupted by the 3 Days Of Darkness, then, in case we have survived all of this, there will be no more internet…

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3) 

…and we will be living in 1850 for quite a while.


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This Is Not A Drill! The Economic Crisis Will Start This Year & Last For 5 Years Clif High (Video)

As I’ve said here:

Clif High-Chaos Starts Middle of March (Video):

“If his webbot was unable to detect that Trump, just like Killary Rotten Clinton, is a Rothschild puppet, then it is (almost) completely worthless in predicting anything.”

H/t reader squodgy.

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Clif High-Chaos Starts Middle of March (Video)

If his webbot was unable to detect that Trump, just like Killary Rotten Clinton, is a Rothschild puppet, then it is (almost) completely worthless in predicting anything.

All of this is political theater, a big show & divide et impera as its best, until the coming financial collapse, hyperinflation and civil war, directly followed by WW3.

Soros gave more money to Trump, as a gift, then to Hillary.

And is there anybody out there that would think that he would  …

Why Did George Soros Forgive Donald Trump As Much As $312 MILLION In Debt For No Apparent Reason?

… but does not expect anything in return? George Soros? Really???

And not only that, but Soros also gave Trump’s ‘senior advisor’, his son-in-law Jared Kushner ….


Probably Rothschild puppet Soros just does not know what to do with all his money.

COLLAPSE & REVOLUTION (civil war) is the plan and this has been foreseen in 1950 by Alois Irlmaier and all of this has been the plan of TPTB long before 1950.

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”

They have fixed the timeline, which is why all of this has been foreseen by so many seers so clearly.

And you do not have to be a seer …

Trump’s New World Order (Video) – #WW3

If there is not a mass awakening happening, which is extremely unlikely, then the only thing you can do is to get prepared and get out of the way of the madness that is about to come to a country near you very soon.


Trump is an elite puppet, just like Obama, Bush and Clinton.

Read moreClif High-Chaos Starts Middle of March (Video)

This Is Not A Drill! The Economic Crisis Will Start This Year & Last For 5 Years: Clif High (Video)

As I’ve said here:

Clif High-Chaos Starts Middle of March (Video):

“If his webbot was unable to detect that Trump, just like Killary Rotten Clinton, is a Rothschild puppet, then it is (almost) completely worthless in predicting anything.”

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Clif High: 2017 Predictions on Everything




Internet data mining expert Clif High uses calls what he does “Predictive Linguistics,” to mine the Internet and collects billions of data points to produce forecasts of the future. High has predictions on Trump, gold, silver, housing, stocks, bonds, the dollar, interest rates and even new discoveries that will change the world that are coming out of Antarctica.

H/t reader squodgy:

“The CRASH is already in place for those not in the manipulated financial world.
But Mr High says end Feb through March & April will have notable signs of correction and reality checks.”

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Clif High: More Signs “That The American Dollar Empire Continues Its Meltdown” (Video, Nov 18, 2016)

H/t reader squodgy:

“Latest snippet from Clif High, very interesting, and it will be good to watch it develop.”

Continue to prepare for collapse (the greatest financial/economic collapse in world history).

Related info:

Caterpillar Retail Sales Decline For Record 47 Consecutive Months

Financial collapse > hyperinflation > civil war > directly followed by WW3 …

U.S. Ships Over 600+ Containers Of Ammo To Germany

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)




Apologies for the blurry video. FStop stuck. Used camera.

Pie is blended apples, Braeburn, Rosa, Yellow Delicious, Pippin, with a coconut oil crust.

Bonds turned in July
Then USA bonds took the largest 1 day move ever the day after Trump elected.

American Federal Reserve Note empire meltdown continues:

Read moreClif High: More Signs “That The American Dollar Empire Continues Its Meltdown” (Video, Nov 18, 2016)

Clif High: Silver The Metal To Own – Huge Demand Coming (Video)

Oct 27, 2016

Internet data mining expert Clif High says the economy is much worse than most people think, and that bubble is going to pop after Election Day. High contends, “It’s more like we are in a depression now and the illusion that everybody has been manufacturing and they just give up the Potemkin Village on the 9th of November. If the Deep State is confused how things are going to occur going forward, in other words, they know their candidate lost, but they are still going to potentially try to engineer things. That level of confusion on the Deep State’s part is what is going to draw in the collapse component on the other. That will happen instantly on the 9th because the Deep State is so involved in our predatory cronyism financial structure.”

Inflation is also coming, and that will be very positive for precisions metals. High contends, “Gold and silver are going to rise relative to the falling currencies. Gold and silver in actual purchasing power will also rise. They won’t be saying an ounce of gold bought a good suit 100 years ago and an ounce of gold will buy a good suit now. That’s going to change, and it’s also going to change radically with silver. Also, in our data sets between 2019 and 2024, silver becomes the metal to have. . . . You need to have silver. The reason being the innovations that will be occurring over those next five years. Silver will become much more in demand than we can imagine now.”

High also talks about energy, war and the fate of the mainstream media in this in-depth interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Clif High, founder of

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Clif High, Web Bot Report, 2016 Predictions, Nuclear Fallout, Megaquakes, Epidemics, Weather Wars (Video)


Nov 6, 2016

clif high, Web Bot Report, 2016 Predictions, Nuclear Fallout, Megaquakes, Epidemics, Weather Wars

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