German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) and Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk (L) give a joint press conference after their meeting at the Chancellery in Berlin on January 8, 2015.(AFP Photo / John Macdougall)
– ?‘Soviets invading Germany, Ukraine:’ Berlin faces tough choice on PM Yatsenyuk’s WW2 (RT, Jan 10, 2015):
This week, Ukraine Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said the USSR had invaded Germany and Ukraine in WW2. Despite attempts by the Western press to bury the story, Russia is now demanding answers from Berlin.
Nothing is louder than silence. I know this, you know this and you can be sure that Angela Merkel knows it too. Why then is the Chancellor’s government refusing to comment on Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s extraordinary remarks? The reasons are complex, as I will shortly outline. First, though, here’s what Yatsenyuk actually said.
“All of us still clearly remember the Soviet invasion of Ukraine and Germany,” he told German-state broadcaster ARD. “We need to avoid [a repeat of] it.”
“Nobody has the right to rewrite the results of the Second World War,” he also added. “Russia’s President Putin is trying to do exactly this.”
Read more?‘Soviets Invading Germany, Ukraine:’ Berlin Faces Tough Choice On PM Yatsenyuk’s WW2