More Than 20,000 EADS Workers Demonstrate In Germany Against Restructuring Plans – Workforce May Be Cut By 20% Or 8000 Employees

Bilderberg EADS CEO Tom Enders at work.


Bilderberg 2011 in St. Moritz: Airbus CEO Tom Enders & Peer Steinbrück (Photo)

Airbus at `Less Than Zero’ Value Still Loses Altitude

Thousands of German workers protest against EADS shake-up (Reuters, Nov 28, 2013):

More than 20,000 workers from European aerospace group EADS took to the streets in Germany on Thursday to protest against restructuring plans they fear could cost thousands of jobs.

Protests were held at about 30 sites, from the company’s Airbus factories near Hamburg in the north to its Eurofighter jet assembly plant in Bavaria’s Manching in the south.

“This has been a clear warning that the employees of EADS will not accept decisions made to their disadvantage and over their heads,” said Ruediger Luetjen, head of the company’s European works council and an IG Metall union representative.

1,000s of EADS workers demonstrate in Germany (PressTV, Nov 29, 2013):

Thousands of workers from European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company N.V. (EADS) have demonstrated in Germany against the company’s new restructuring plans that may lead to massive job losses.

The demonstrations took place in 30 EADS locations across the country on Thursday over the company’s plans to join its defense and space subsidiaries and to sell some of its operations next year, Reuters reported.

Read moreMore Than 20,000 EADS Workers Demonstrate In Germany Against Restructuring Plans – Workforce May Be Cut By 20% Or 8000 Employees

SPD Chancellor Candidate And Bilderberg Peer Steinbrück’s Great-Great-Uncle Was A Cofounder Of Deutsche Bank

Bilderberg 2011 in St. Moritz: Airbus CEO Tom Enders & Peer Steinbrück

(Since June 1, 2012 Tom Enders is the CEO of EADS.)

Germans have the great choice between Bilderg Merkel and Bilderberg Steinbrück in the upcoming elections. Good luck Germany!

Adelbert Delbrück (Wikipedia):

Gottlieb Adelbert Delbrück (* 16. Januar 1822 in Magdeburg; † 26. Mai 1890 in Kreuzlingen) war ein deutscher Unternehmer und Bankier. Er war einer der Gründer der Deutschen Bank.


Adelbert Delbrück gehörte zu der weit verzweigten Familie Delbrück, die im 19. Jahrhundert in Preußen und Deutschland einige einflussreiche Positionen innehatte. Sein Vater Gottlieb Delbrück (1777–1842) war Beamter in Magdeburg und Kurator der dortigen Universität. Sein Sohn Ludwig Delbrück (1860–1913) übernahm erfolgreich die Leitung der Bank Delbrück Leo & Co. Adelberts Vetter Rudolf von Delbrück war als Leiter des Reichskanzleramts enger Vertrauter Bismarcks.

Adelbert Delbrück war verheiratet mit Luise Jonas (1831-1922), einer Tochter von Ludwig Jonas; Paul Jonas war ihr Bruder.[1]

Peer Steinbrück – von 2002 bis 2005 Ministerpräsident des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, von 2005 bis 2009 Bundesminister der Finanzen und SPD-Kanzlerkandidat für die Bundestagswahl 2013ist ein Urgroßneffe des Bankgründers.

Bilderbergtreffen 2011 – Peer Steinbrück für 2013? – Kulturzeit
