Busted! Co-Author Of Stanford Study That Bashed Organics Found To Have Deep Ties To Big Tobacco’s Anti-Science Propaganda

Busted! Co-author of Stanford study that bashed organics found to have deep ties to Big Tobacco’s anti-science propaganda (Natural News, Sep 7, 2012):

(This article is jointly authored by Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com and Anthony Gucciardi of NaturalSociety.com) Over the last several days, the mainstream media has fallen for an elaborate scientific hoax that sought to destroy the credibility of organic foods by claiming they are “no healthier” than conventional foods (grown with pesticides and GMOs). NaturalNews has learned one of the key co-authors of the study, Dr. Ingram Olkin, has a deep history as an “anti-science” propagandist working for Big Tobacco. Stanford University has also been found to have deep financial ties to Cargill, a powerful proponent of genetically engineered foods and an enemy of GMO labeling Proposition 37.

The New York Times (http://www.naturalnews.com/037094_Roger_Cohen_New_York_Times_organic_…), BBC and all the other publications that printed stories based on this Stanford study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=1355685) have been victims of an elaborate scientific hoax carried out by corporate propagandists posing as “scientists.”

The evidence we show here (see below) demonstrates how this study was crafted under the influence of known anti-science fraudsters pushing a corporate agenda. Just as Big Tobacco sought to silence the emerging scientific evidence of the dangers of cigarette smoke, the biotech industry today is desperately seeking to silence calls for GMO labeling and honest, chemical-free food. The era is different, but the anti-science tactics are the same (and many of the quack science players are the same!).

Read moreBusted! Co-Author Of Stanford Study That Bashed Organics Found To Have Deep Ties To Big Tobacco’s Anti-Science Propaganda

New York Times Columnist Roger Cohen Wins Our 2012 Idiot Of The Year Award


Busted! Co-Author Of Stanford Study That Bashed Organics Found To Have Deep Ties To Big Tobacco’s Anti-Science Propaganda

Do you buy organic food? New York Times writer calls you a delusional cult member suckered into a ‘fable’ (Natural News, Sep 6, 2012)

The assault on the organic industry is in full swing today, and it’s an attack not merely on the industry itself but an attack on your sanity. If you “believe” in organic foods and non-GMOs, you are about to be labeled a delusional conspiracy theorist.

How do I know that? Because the lying mainstream media is rolling out the idea that organics are a “fable,” a fairy tale myth. In one of the most idiotic, corporate-serving editorials I’ve ever seen, New York Times columnist Roger Cohen starts off with the title, “The Organic Fable.” He then goes on to call organics a false “ideology,” sort of a like a pseudoscientific cult.

He says, “Organic is a fable of the pampered parts of the planet — romantic and comforting,” and talks about how it has “a cult following.” (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/07/opinion/roger-cohen-the-organic-fab…)

Read moreNew York Times Columnist Roger Cohen Wins Our 2012 Idiot Of The Year Award