See also:
– US NORTHCOM Troops Wearing UN Colors
– NAU-USANORTH Logo (Infowars, Nov. 2, 2009):
Editor’s note: An Infowars reader sent a photo and write-up on the United States Army North logo.
From the USANorth website (linked below): “US Army North (USARNORTH), as the Joint Force Land Component Command (JFLCC) and the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) to US Northern Command, conducts Homeland Defense (HD), Civil Support (CS) operations and Theater Security Cooperation (TSC) activities in order to protect the American people and our way of life.”
From the NORTHCOM website:
“U.S. Army North, the Army component of U.S. Northern Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., organized the event as part of its mission to support civil authorities during disaster.
The exercise is designed to fully coordinate the support that active military forces could be asked to provide states and the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the event of a major hurricane, said Maj. Gen. John Basilica, who commands U.S. Army North’s Operational Command Post 1.”
In other words, an in-your-face violation of Posse Comitatus.

As it’s said, a picture says a 1000 words. So I don’t think we need a “memo” to figure this one out.
Read moreNew Seal Of 5th Army North Symbolically Declares North American Union