How Hyperthermia Helps in Cancer Treatment


Special prepared sweat lodges work very well with Lyme disease.

Cancer is also caused by parasites. Hyperthermia is (a small) part of many successful therapies to treat cancer and other diseases, like Lyme disease.

Once you remove the parasites from the body,  it sends the (immortal!) cancer cells into apoptosis and the cancer is gone.

Chemotherapy and radiation are the worst therapies I can think of  if you want to heal cancer.

Usually after a ‘successful‘ chemotherapy treatment the ‘cured’ cancer comes back violently within months or years.

The parasites  never left, they just went into hiding.

Chemotherapy destroys the immune system that was fighting those parasites and turns the body into a acidic paradise for parasites and cancer.

The second round of chemotherapy will not ‘work’ anymore and the Big Pharma concentration camp patients die, earning millions for the medical industrial complex.  Mission accomplished!

Cancer can be cured, but not with standard western gulag medicine.

Some cancer patients may receive heat treatment alongside chemotherapy (Photo: Chris Hondros/Getty Images)

Heat – whether from a carefully created and controlled fever or from hyperthermia delivered by microwaves, radio frequency or ultrasound – is increasingly being used as a cancer treatment.

There are two theories as to why this might work. First, a fever within the body produces a state in which the immune system becomes hypersensitive, detects that the cancer cells are not normal and attacks them. It may be that, if we have a strong immune system, it is destroying cancer cells every day but, on occasion, some cells are missed and cancer develops. In the USA scientists are experimenting with giving cervical cancer patients a bio-engineered form of listeria (not the actual disease) – both it and salmonella are instantly recognisable by the body as enemy bacteria – thus hoping to spark the immune system into rising up to fight it and the cancer.

The second theory, which ties in with several stories recently about patients whose cancers have simply disappeared overnight, is that it is the high temperature itself which destroys the cancer. Also in the USA, cancer patients are being placed in an infra-red “hot box” for eight hours – under sedation – two days after chemotherapy and having taken immune system boosting drugs. This treatment is much gentler than radiotherapy, means less chemotherapy is required and, therefore, the patient will have fewer side-effects. It appears that primary malignant tumours have a bad blood circulation, which makes them more sensitive to changes in temperature. So, the experimental theory is that a 40 degree centigrade controlled fever will wake-up the immune system.

Read moreHow Hyperthermia Helps in Cancer Treatment