President Obama & President Morsi Plunge Middle East Into Chaos (Veterans Today)

Obama, Morsi, Plunge Middle East Into Chaos (Veterans Today, June 17, 2013, by Gordon Duff):

This week, President Obama  announced that US ”intelligence estimates” conclusively prove Syria has been using chemical weapons in Syria.  The US will now supply weapons and ammunition to Syrian rebels the Washington Post says are, not just Al Qaeda “affiliates” but working to destabilize and “Balkanize” Iraq as well:

“In an audio message posted online, the speaker identified as Baghdadi insists that a merger he announced in April with Syria’s al-Nusra Front, also known as Jabhat al-Nusra, to create a cross-border movement known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant will go on.

Al-Nusra is an al-Qaeda affiliate that has emerged as one of the most effective rebel factions in Syria.”

The US has also decided to leave F 16 jets inside Jordan after recent military exercises ended.  However, despite calls by Egypt’s Mohamed Morsi for a “no fly zone” over Syria, President Obama has stated such an endeavor is “not in the best interest of the United States.

He should have added “at this time.”


Morsi, this week, called for a holy war on Islam’s Shia sect, which makes up nearly 40% of the Muslim population of the Middle East.  Morsi referred to Shia Muslims as “unclean” and called for the extermination of what would constitute the majority of the population of Iraq, Iran, large portions of Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Yemen, Nigeria, Ghana, Lebanon, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and a dozen other nations.

Morsi called for Egyptian “fighters” to begin a war on Syria, Iraq and Iran, a war that coincides with the expansionist goals of “Greater Israel” and the rogue elements of the CIA that put Morsi in power in order to quell Egypt’s move toward liberation after the fall of the pro-Israeli Mubarak regime.

Last week, Morsi was also heard to call for military action against Ethiopia over a hydroelectric project he says is intended to divert the Nile River and turn Egypt into a barren wasteland.

Analysts cite Morsi’s recent behavior as both “bizarre and unstable,” indicating desperation at his inability to cope with domestic problems that seem to be moving inexorably toward a renewal of widespread domestic confrontation against the Cairo government.

Morsi has yet to address his failure to follow up on his promises to support Gaza after Israeli attacks in November 2012.  Both Morsi and Turkey’s Erdogan have, in actuality, moved closer to Israel and given that nation a free hand in continuing its use of cluster bombs and chemical munitions on Gaza’s civilian population.


Obama’s claim that the Assad government in Syria has used chemical weapons is clearly a response to pressure placed on Washington by the powerful AIPAC/Israeli lobby.

AIPAC has orchestrated a nearly endless barrage of real or contrived “scandals,” sometimes carrying over Bush era crimes and blaming Obama, sometimes inventing them, such as the IRS “scandal,” and others, such as the Snowden revelations.

Snowden’s “whistleblowing” has allowed Americans to learn of the decade old communications interception program authorized by congress, exhaustively funded and publicly lauded by the American people who, after 9/11, jumped at every chance to sacrifice freedoms and privacy for the promise of “security” that no longer seems as attractive as it may once have.

AIPAC’s ability to control, not just the entire Republican Party but key members of Obama’s own party and America’s press as well is believed to have pushed Obama into his high-risk position in Syria, one likely to bring the US into confrontation with Russia.

America, now offering limited military aid to a rebel organization proven to have, not just ties to terrorists but to have little backing among the Syrian people,  is leading the United States toward potential humiliation.

Is this the price of Israeli blackmail?

Most embarrassing is the inability of the US government to present “findings” to the United Nations.

“That ship has sailed,” with the United States long discredited after the barrage of fabricated intelligence presented to the General Assembly by General Colin Powell on February 5, 2003.  I recently discussed this with Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Powell’s Chief of Staff.

In 2006, Col. Wilkerson stated:

“My participation in that presentation at the UN constitutes the lowest point in my professional life. I participated in a hoax on the American people, the international community and the United Nations Security Council.”

Where the US has been unable to publish any of its “proof,” on March 24, 2013, broad evidence, testimony, video, scientific evidence, citing widespread use of chemical weapons was presented to the United Nations.

The media has censored all reporting on this.


The US is currently “running” special operations teams inside Jordan and Turkey.  These groups gather intelligence that is fed to them by rebel groups operating inside Syria.

Operating inside Syria are CIA teams, not “employees” as such but private contractors working for Blackwater, who pass on information fed to them by Israeli and French intelligence.

Both the Israeli’s and French have been manipulating US intelligence in order to push the US into declaring a “no fly zone” over Syria.

One would be advised to note that both Israel and France have huge stocks of biological and chemical weapons.

Israel has used chemical weapons and illegal cluster munitions along with DU (Depleted Uranium) against the civilian population of the occupied territories for many years.

The broader cabal, Israel, Britain, France, Turkey and now Egypt’s  intent hasn’t been to weaken Syria as much as to push the US into an armed confrontation with Russia, intent on weakening US influence in the region.

The US is no longer the trusted ally to the world’s criminal elites it had been during the Bush administration.  America has to be “taken down a peg or two.”


In 1999, the Project for a New American Century, a Neocon “front” group for the Israel lobby in the US, planned the overthrow of the US government, a rigged election, a “stacked” Supreme Court to certify it and death threats against family members to prevent any repercussions.

At the same time, the invasion of Iraq was planned as a stepping-stone to conquering Iran.

To facilitate this, the 9/11 attacks were drawn up, operational groups formed, insurance and real estate transactions insuring massive profits for those involved were put into motion and, of course, as we are seeing again today in similar moves against Syria.

What is recognized throughout the Middle East is a carefully organized and orchestrated move toward religious war, siding Wahhabis and Israel, aided by western intelligence agencies and the world oil, and banking cartels, against not just Shia Muslims.

A broader move is afoot, an attempt to create a cross border monolith, a marriage of Al Qaeda, Wahhabism and Zionism that, combined with a new Ottoman Empire as envisioned by Turkey’s Erdogan, will put an end to democratic aspirations on the part of any people’s in the Middle East.

From the Washington Post, Al Qaeda reveals its move toward building a Jihadist nation with US backing:

“Baghdadi insists that a merger he announced in April with Syria’s al-Nusra Front, also known as Jabhat al-Nusra, to create a cross-border movement known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant will go on.

Al-Nusra is an al-Qaeda affiliate that has emerged as one of the most effective rebel factions in Syria…

‘The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant will continue,’ Baghdadi said. ‘We will not compromise and we will not give up.’

He urged his followers to rise up against Shiites, Alawites and the “Party of Satan” — a reference to the Iran-backed Lebanese militia Hezbollah, which has been sending fighters to Syria to fight alongside President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. “

The state described by Iraq’s Al Qaeda leader, “Bagdadi,” would spread and transect Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and even Georgia and Azerbaijan.

One might ask why no leader has responded to the real threat to the region, a “global meltdown” of sectarian violence, the rise of a multi-national Jihadist nation state and the suppression of democratic movements.

Then again, one might also ask, “what leaders?”

Are there any to be seen?

2 thoughts on “President Obama & President Morsi Plunge Middle East Into Chaos (Veterans Today)”

  1. Perpetual war will destroy all that we have built. We are heading backwards towards the 1600s at a rate that isn’t recognized by most. These wars have bankrupted the world, and what is happening in Europe and Japan will soon happen here. People are not really aware, too few study history.


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