Dr. Chris Busby: Fukushima (MOX) Reactor No. 3 Blast Was A Nuclear Explosion – Can’t Seal A Fissioning Reactor – Crisis Will Not Be Over Within 9 Months – Uranium And Plutonium Detected In Hawaii

Added: 25.04.2011

Related information:

Fukushima: High Resolution Photos Prove (MOX) Reactor No. 3 Core And Spent Fuel Pool Exploded!!!

Radioactive Plutonium And Strontium From Fukushima Bombarding US West Coast Since March 18th (EPA RADnet Reports)

1 thought on “Dr. Chris Busby: Fukushima (MOX) Reactor No. 3 Blast Was A Nuclear Explosion – Can’t Seal A Fissioning Reactor – Crisis Will Not Be Over Within 9 Months – Uranium And Plutonium Detected In Hawaii”

  1. Please see my contrast-enhanced video of the Unit 3 explosion:


    It is very hard to see_any_ visual evidence of a hydrogen blast to the left of the orange flash, as the building disintegrates. Arnie Gundersen says this is because the spent fuel pool was empty of water, the hot racks of exposed fuel rods were so hot the zirconium cladding was reacting with air/water to form hydrogen, and this hydrogen, in very close proximity to the racks, exploded. Somehow this moved enough of the fuel pellets together to create the nuclear chain reaction called a “prompt moderated criticality.” So if there was a hydrogen explosion triggering the prompt criticality, then with the visual resolution available here, it is impossible to see the hydrogen deflagration shock wave exiting the roof of the building before the main explosion (orange flash) occurs.

    Spy sattelites, including all GPS satellites contain gamma ray and neutron detectors to verify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, so this is another bit of data in the hands of the US military (along with the xenon radionuclide ratios) which would prove or disprove the nuclear explosion theory, but which has not been released to the public anywhere in the world.

    Come on WikiLeaks, find out for us!



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