Remembering Rocketdyne: Discussing America’s Worst Nuclear Disaster (Not Three Mile Island) With Erin Brockovich

Remembering Rocketdyne: Discussing America’s Worst Nuclear Meltdown (Not Three Mile Island) With Erin Brockovich (truthout, jan 2, 2014):

The infamous accident at Pennsylvania’s Three Mile Island power facility is typically the first meltdown that comes to mind when people think about nuclear disasters in America. While CNN has reported that it was the worst nuclear meltdown ever in the United States, they are wrong.

The under-reported nuclear meltdown at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory in the late 1950s was far worse, and in fact, it is the worst nuclear disaster in United States history.

Read moreRemembering Rocketdyne: Discussing America’s Worst Nuclear Disaster (Not Three Mile Island) With Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich’s Team Barred From Investigating Mystery Teen Neurological Illness

Brockovich barred from investigating mystery teen neurological illness (Natural News, Mar 4, 2012):

Last fall, 12 teenage girls at LeRoy High School in upstate NY started exhibiting Tourette’s-like symptoms of tics and verbal outbursts. Since thenfourteen teenage girls and one boy have exhibited similar symptoms.

Worried parents feared an infectious disease epidemic. However, a complete review of the air quality and mold in the school buildings by the state department of health and a private agency hired by the school found no substances that could cause health problems.

Read moreErin Brockovich’s Team Barred From Investigating Mystery Teen Neurological Illness

CNN: The Worst Environmental Disaster in US History

Remember that President Barack Obama promised to implement a new era of government openness and transparency?
Obama administration refuses to disclose “high hazard” coal dump locations

CNN Uncovers America’s Worst Environmental Disaster
With Erin Brockovich (07/10/09)