After attacking coconut oil as “dangerous” and pushing blood pressure drugs as the solution, American Heart Association president suffers a heart attack

After attacking coconut oil as “dangerous” and pushing blood pressure drugs as the solution, American Heart Association president suffers a heart attack:

In what appears to be a clear case of irony, the president of the American Heart Association, John Warner, suffered what doctors say was a minor heart attack earlier this week after his organization advised Americans earlier this year to stop using butter in their foods and replace it with toxic, artery-clogging vegetable oils instead.

According to a published report on the AHA website, Warner — himself a cardiologist (another irony) and CEO of UT Southwestern University Hospitals in Dallas — is in stable condition after doctors inserted a stent into a blocked artery.

Read moreAfter attacking coconut oil as “dangerous” and pushing blood pressure drugs as the solution, American Heart Association president suffers a heart attack

The Cancer Miracle : Cannabis And Coconut Oil Make Powerful Mixture To Kill Cancer Cells – Say NO Chemotherapy and Radiation

H/t reader squodgy:

“I’ve also heard that it should be mixed with Turmeric & Cinnamon.”


The Cancer Miracle : Cannabis And Coconut Oil Make Powerful Mixture To Kill Cancer Cells – Say NO Chemotherapy and Radiation

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Just One Dose Of Coconut Oil Can Tremendously Boost Brain Function And Cognitive Performance

Just one dose of coconut oil can tremendously boost brain function and cognitive performance (Natural News, April 6, 2013):

??It’s amazing how coconut oil has recently been acknowledged for the healthy oil that it is after having been vilified for decades as a heart attack oil. Now it’s been discovered to boost even brain health.

Defaming coconut oil saturated fat was part of the 1950s creation of low and no fat foods, margarine, and hydrogenated trans-fatty cooking and salad oils, which have recently been proven as actually detrimental to overall health.

The different types of triglycerides in fats

High triglyceride blood readings are red flags for obesity, diabetes, and heart health issues. Most dietary fats contain long chain triglycerides (LCT), which are not easily metabolized and can be stored as fatty deposits in one’s body.

Long chain triglycerides contain chains with 14 to 18 carbon atoms. But coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides (MCT) with shorter chains of 5 to 12 carbon atoms, which are easily metabolized by the liver to produce ketone bodies that can replace glucose as metabolic fuel.

Read moreJust One Dose Of Coconut Oil Can Tremendously Boost Brain Function And Cognitive Performance