CNN: CDC issues new safe-sex guidelines around Zika virus

For your (dis-)information.

CDC issues new safe-sex guidelines around Zika virus:

Men exposed to the Zika virus and who have a pregnant partner should use a condom or abstain from sex until the baby is born, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised Friday in guidelines aimed at preventing sexual transmission of the virus.

Officials also said that pregnant women who have been exposed to Zika should talk with their doctors about testing for the virus.

While saying that the situation with Zika is “evolving rapidly” and that much had been learned in just the past two weeks, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden stressed in a news briefing that the primary concern with Zika at this time is protecting pregnant women and their unborn babies from a neurological disorder known as microcephaly.

“Each passing day, the linkage between Zika and microcephaly becomes stronger,” Frieden said. Microcephaly results in babies being born with abnormally small heads that can lead to severe development delays and even death.


Fear porn in overdrive …

Be afraid, be very afraid!

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