– If You Love America, Call Your Congress Member TODAY and Say NO TPP (Vote Is TOMORROW) (Washington’s Blog, June 11, 2015)
The House of Representatives is voting tomorrow to pass Fast Track authority for the horrible TPP treaty (it already passed the Senate). If Fast Track is approved, TPP will quickly pass without amendment.
TPP would destroy everything that America stands for. And see this, this, this and this.
But the mainstream media is censoring and ignoring the whole issue.
Senator Warren says that dozens of members of congress are undecided.
Call your Congress critter right now … and tell them no to TPP and no to Fast Track Authority!
Postscript: Remember, we stopped SOPA … even though they said it couldn’t be done. If everyone picks up the phone right now, we can stop TPP!
I am in hospital…………was on the phone at six am……..Must have helped.