– Buffett On Europe: Germany Must Stop Greek Dog Peeing On Its Carpet (ZeroHedge, March 3, 2015):
Not to be outdone by his partner Charlie Munger (who offended many with his comments that “gold is a great thing to sew onto your garments if you’re a Jewish family in Vienna in 1939,”), Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett decides to take on Europe (and The Big Lebowski), and particularly the Greeks in today’s ‘perhaps it’s time to just STFU’ moment. Responding to questions about Europe’s future, Buffett compares Greece to a “dog peeing on the carpet” of Europe, suggesting Germany stop “rewarding behavior you want to get rid of.”
Buffett explains…
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Quick question – just how far does one go to ‘punish’ the peeing dog before Animal Cruelty is called?
Related info:
– AND NOW: Greek Government Considers “BORROWING” From Pension Funds To Repay IMF
– The Reason Why The Eurogroup Rushed To Approve The Greek Reform Package? (You can’t make this stuff up!)
– Troika ‘Happy’ With Revised List Of Greek Reform Promises: Full Varoufakis Letter
– Greece’s Syriza Capitulates To The EU
– How Greece Folded To Germany: The Complete Breakdown
– Full Eurogroup Statement On Greece – Bottom Line: Greece Caves On Pretty Much Everything
– George Soros “Trojan Horse” Inside The New Greek Government?