The Gold Conspiracy (History Channel Video)


–  The Gold Conspiracy (ZeroHedge, June 5, 2014):

As increasingly more conspiracy ‘theories’ become conspiracy ‘facts’, The History Channel discusses “The Gold Conspiracy” in this brief documentary.

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As The History Channel introduces:

Gold. It is one of the most precious metals in the world. A glittering commodity so rare that people will go to great lengths to obtain it. But who sets the price? And what are the secret methods to control its value? Uncover the clandestine world surrounding the highly prized precious metal. How much gold does the United States really have–and where is it locked away? Is the American government overstating the amount of gold in its reserves to create the mystique of financial superiority?

Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich discusses the gold standard and the possible manipulation of the commodities markets. Chairman of Euro Pacific Precious Metals Peter Schiff describes how gold could replace credit cards. And author Matthew Hart details how the U.S. is storing gold that belongs to other countries–but may now be missing from the Federal Reserve’s vaults.

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