AOL: ‘Just How Dangerous Is Radioactive Kelp?’ – Scientists Say Nuclear Waste In Kelp Beds Off California Coast Is From Fukushima

AOL: “Just How Dangerous Is Radioactive Kelp?” — Scientists say nuclear waste in kelp beds off California coast is from Fukushima (VIDEO) (ENENews, Feb 4, 2014):

Science Recorder, Feb. 4, 2014: The trace amounts of cesium they discovered are linked to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster […] [In] kelp forests off the coast of San Diego, California, scientists detected traces of radiation […]

AOL, Feb. 4, 2014: Just How Dangerous Is Radioactive Kelp? […] canopies of kelp off the coast of California […] [had] traces of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant […] Scientists said trace amounts of cesium radiation has been identified in the kelp beds linking the nuclear waste to devastating earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

ABC interview with Dr. Matthew Edwards, San Diego State University professor and giant kelp researcher, Feb. 3, 2014: The meaning of these things is whether or not they’re actually harmful, whether they actually pose a risk.

See also: TV: Scientists have found nuclear waste off San Diego coast — Fukushima’s problems now being felt in our local ecosystem — Professor most worried about finding ‘pools’ of cesium — “Time will tell how this plays out” (VIDEO)

Watch the ABC San Diego broadcast here

2 thoughts on “AOL: ‘Just How Dangerous Is Radioactive Kelp?’ – Scientists Say Nuclear Waste In Kelp Beds Off California Coast Is From Fukushima”

  1. “trace amounts.” Since they won’t use the right testing equipment……we cannot believe a word they say. I have read in more than one place that the poisons hitting Fukushima are hitting the west coast in equal doses due to the direct location of western Northern America. Sea animals are dying like flies, and they claim “trace amounts”.
    Who are they kidding?


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