Previously Unpublished 2012 Fukushima Plume Map From Government Scientists Shows Alaska Coast Already Being Impacted

Previously unpublished 2012 Fukushima plume map from gov’t scientists: “Radioactivity will almost entirely shift to eastern N. Pacific” – Rhodes Scholar: No one can imagine what effects radiation flowing into ocean will have on sea life and ‘other things’ (VIDEO) (ENENews, Dec 23, 2013):

Radionuclide Transport from Fukushima to Eastern North Pacific, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2013 PICES Annual Meeting on Oct. 15, 2013:

  • Main inventory of Fukushima 137Cs had been transported towards central North Pacific By 2012. […] The inventory of Fukushima radioactivity will almost entirely shift from the western to the eastern North Pacific during the next 5 years.
  • Surface water distribution of Fukushima 137Cs in 2012 (Aoyama et al., 2013; G. Hong, pers. comm. [personal communication]):

Previously Unpublished 2012 Fukushima Plume Map From Government Scientists Shows Alaska Coast Already Being Impacted

Interview with Alex Kerr, “[Rhodes] scholar, linguist, specialist and prize winner” –Japan Times, Dec. 23, 2013:

At 1:30 in

[…] the radioactivity that’s flowing into the ocean — no one can imagine what the long-term effects are going to be on sea life — and many other things. […]

Watch the broadcast here

1 thought on “Previously Unpublished 2012 Fukushima Plume Map From Government Scientists Shows Alaska Coast Already Being Impacted”

  1. “The inventory of Fukushima radioactivity will almost entirely shift from the western to the eastern North Pacific during the next 5 years.”

    This means the entire nation will be poisoned.
    Millions will die.
    Food chain has been destroyed.
    And, just like every other problem, it is ignored by the fools in power.
    The end of a civilization……..


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