Simulation By German Marine Research Institute: ENTIRE Pacific Waters To Be Radioactive In Just 6 Years

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Radioactive water may contaminate entire Pacific Ocean in 6 years (Arirang News; Aug 28, 2013):

This graphic shows the gradual contamination of the Pacific Ocean due to leaks of radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.

The simulation, which was run by a German marine research institute, shows the ENTIRE Pacific waters being polluted by radioactive water in just six years.

Although the results failed to grab attention when first released last year, experts now fear that the hypothesis may become a scary reality, after the Japanese government recently admitted that some 3-hundred tons of radioactive water have leaked into the ocean everyday.

Mitsuhei Murata, a former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland criticized the Japanese government and the operator of the crippled nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Corporation for its handling of the situation.

“TEPCO recently admitted to leaks of radioactive water. The amount is much greater than what the simulation had taken into account.”

The international community has also voiced concerns over the issue, but Tokyo meanwhile, is busy drumming up support for its bid in hosting the 2020 Olympics.

“2020 Tokyo Let’s do well.”

Murata stressed the fact that Japan does not realize the gravity of the issue is more outrageous.

“If Japan cannot secure the safety of its own nation,… it is being insincere in hosting an international event like the Olympics. It should step out of the race.”

A Russian nuclear research center had also advised TEPCO to take measures two years ago, just after the accident broke out, but Japan turned down the suggestion.

It’s now been two years and five months since the nuclear crisis, and Tokyo has finally set out to deal with the problem.

However, experts say that it may be TOO LATE.

The former ambassador also warned that Japan may lose its rights in its Exclusive Economic Zone,… if it fails to block the leakage into the 2-hundred nautical mile zone.

2 thoughts on “Simulation By German Marine Research Institute: ENTIRE Pacific Waters To Be Radioactive In Just 6 Years”

  1. If they cannot stop it, and it continues at an unknown rate because they cannot and will not tell the truth, we may well be viewing the beginning of our own extinction. Governments telling lies will not make the truth any different……and that is what they all have been doing.
    Here in CA, they have been lying about nuclear leaks here…….there is no truth. Why? Do they think it will solve itself?
    The world has gone mad, and our fool leaders represent that madness.


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