Scientists Find Excess Salt Consumption Causes Millions Of Heart Disease Deaths Worldwide

Excess salt consumption found to be the cause of millions of heart disease deaths worldwide (Natural News, July 20, 2013):

New cases of cardiovascular disease continue to mount in the U.S. and worldwide, making this the leading killer of men, women and children in western cultures. Enlightened, health-conscious individuals now understand that heart disease is not only preventable, but also treatable in all but the most advanced stages. Lifestyle modifications including elimination of processed and fried foods, smoking cessation, stress reduction and adequate physical activity are among some of the changes that promote heart health and dramatically lower future disease risk.

Excess salt consumption from synthetic salt products is a known risk factor for early heart disease, but researchers now report that sodium, largely coming from the disproportionate amount of processed foods that many people eat, is killing millions around the globe. Scientists from the Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health now report the result of their research that found how eating too much salt contributed to 2.3 million deaths from heart attacks, strokes and other heart-related diseases throughout the world in 2010, representing 15 percent of all deaths due to these causes.

Excess dietary sodium increases blood pressure, dramatically increasing incidence of heart attack and stroke

Researchers presented their findings to the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2013 Scientific Sessions. Lead study author, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian commented “National and global public health measures, such as comprehensive sodium reduction programs, could potentially save millions of lives.” To conduct their study, scientists analyzed data from 247 surveys of adult sodium intake, sorted by age, gender, and region spanning 50 countries over a 20 year period.

The team then determined how the amount of sodium people were consuming was affecting their risk for cardiovascular disease in a large cohort of 107 randomized trials that determined the impact of sodium consumption on elevation of blood pressure. They determined that an optimal daily sodium intake of 1,000 mg was optimal. The current target in the U.S. for adults is 2,300 mg per day, and many people who eat regularly at fast food restaurants and prepare meals using processed and refined foods can consume 3,500 to 5,000 mg per day, placing them at considerable risk for chronic vascular disease.

Researchers determined that nearly one million deaths occurring during the study period were due to excessive sodium consumption. This represented 40 percent of all deaths recorded, as 60 percent occurred in men and 40 percent in women. The U.S. ranked 19th out of the 30 largest countries where 429 deaths per million (one in 10) were attributable to excess sodium intake. Nutrition experts explain that added salt should always be from natural salts containing the full-spectrum of minerals that encourage healthy cellular metabolism. Eliminating canned and refined food consumption, and closely monitoring processed salt usage could prevent the early demise of millions worldwide over the next decade.

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5 thoughts on “Scientists Find Excess Salt Consumption Causes Millions Of Heart Disease Deaths Worldwide”

    • To squodgy,

      I am a bit curious now …

      Has he still hair on top of his head?


      How about mental and physical fitness and flexibility?

  1. Sparse hair on top of his 6ft 2″ frame, balanced frame, not over/overweight, lumbering gait and reticent demeanour.
    No arthritis, but a penchant for Jack Daniels.

    • To Squodgy:

      At least he intuitively knows that distilled liquids remove inorganic salts. 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Salt is, in my opinion, doing the opposite what we want to achieve by drinking distilled water.

      It, like the inorganic salts in ‘normal’ drinking water, cause deposits in the human body, that accelerate the aging process and cause disease.

      Let’s say your friend drinks 3 liters of water per day and let’s assume that one liter contains 3,33 g of inorganic minerals, which is not uncommon.

      That makes 10 g per day, 3650 g per year and over 80 years we reach 292,000 g that the body has to filter out and get rid off.

      On top of that he consumes salt. The average American is consuming more than 3.5 g of salt per day. So lets say he consumes 5 g per day.

      Which adds another 146 kg over 80 years.

      Altogether 438 kg of unnecessary work for the body over 80 years.

      Especially the kidneys have a lot of extra work to do. (The kidney energy is connected to the vitality of your hair.)

      Drinking not enough water, eating lots of salt, cheese and meat gives them a lot of extra work to do.

      How does his skin look directly under the eyes?

      Darker than the rest of the face? Dark under-eye circles? Does he have bags under his eyes? (Kidney related signs)


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