See also:
– Shocking Photos Reveal Severe Damage Caused By GM Soy And Corn. GMO Feed Turns Pig Stomachs To Mush!
If you were to eat unprocessed soy, it would cause cramping, nausea, and can cause more serious health problems.
Here are a few of the pamphlet’s false claims about soy milk (and the truth about them):
– Soy: It’s Bad for You and It’s Everywhere, Even in Vitamins! (Activist Post, June 23, 2013)
With the abundance of studies showing soy’s damaging health effects, it’s crazy that doctors across the nation and food manufacturers everywhere continue to tout how good it is for you to eat a ton of it.
The Healthy Home Economist reported there are a whopping 170 scientific reasons to cut soy from your diet — everything from causing pineal and thyroid gland dysfunction, to endocrine system interruption, to stopping a woman’s menstruation, to dropping a man’s testosterone levels, to links to breast and prostate cancer.
But soy is a really tough cut to make considering that it is found lurking in seemingly everything in America! Soy isoflavones in protein shakes, added soy vegetable proteins, soy lecithin as an emulsifier… Recently we even found soy hidden in canned tuna in water!
In fact, Dr. Sanjay Gupta reported that if Americans are what they eat, then this nation is made up of corn and soy people.
These two ingredients are added to so much of what this country eats, and the reasons are not even nutritional butpolitical, based on government subsidies which began under Nixon’s Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz as Grist’s Tom Philpott notes:
Nixon plucked Butz out of Purdue’s agriculture department and planted him in the USDA in 1971. At the time, Butz served as a board member for several agribiz firms, including Ralston Purina, then a sprawling food conglomerate. He rejected criticism that these ties might compromise his performance as USDA chief. (The habit of stuffing the USDA with industry cronies has proven hard to break.)
But Butz did forcefully equate the interests of agribusiness with the national interest. And in 1971 as now, what agribusiness wanted was for farmers to plant lots and lots of corn and soy. In order to profitably mass-produce convenience fare for a growing middle class, the food industry needed unchecked access to cheap inputs. [emphasis added]
Of the nine foods the government is essentially paying for you to eat through subsidy, corn is number one and soy is number three (wheat, which is the main culprit behind so many people being allergic to gluten now, is number two).
Did You Know?
Former USDA Secretary Earl Butz has been quoted as having made fun of Pope Paul VI’s opposition to population control at the 1974 United Nations World Food Conference saying, “He no playa the game, he no maka the rules” in a mock Italian accent. At that same conference, Butz also helped push Rockefeller Foundation written proposals for a “world food agency” that would allow Rockefeller and big agribusiness to dominate the world’s food supply and underwrite depopulation schemes.
Gupta interviewed a plant biologist who found that, while the average American’s hair is made of an incredible 69 percent corn, just by traveling to Europe for a few months and eating their fare, his hair strand test came back made up of only five percent corn.
In addition to that, the majority (over 90 percent) of corn and soy in this country is genetically modified (GM). Genetic modification is a worldwide science experiment. While the ultimate long-term negative impact of all this GM in our environment and on our dinner tables is still unknown, independent studies not funded by biotechnology conglomerates have already shown GM to be linked to cancer, sterility, infertility and a whole host of horrible health problems harming virtually every system in our bodies.
As referenced earlier with the top subsidized crops in this country, the government is paying farmers to grow genetically modified organisms (GMO).
Gupta went on to note soy is nearly as (if not as) prevalent in the American diet as corn:
Americans also eat an extraordinary amount of soybean oil, another key ingredient in most processed foods. Checking labels during a recent trip to the grocery store I found soybean oil in everything from tortilla chips to fruit syrup.
That majority of this soy is unfermented because it’s cheaper to process that way, even though unfermented soy is full of enzyme inhibitors that can essentially block the digestive process. “It is now widely recognized that the only soy fit for human consumption is fermented soy,” reports Real
But as Dr. Joseph Mercola points out, both fermentedand unfermented soy contain hormonal mimics that can translate to mood swings, digestive problems, fertility issues, insomnia and a host of other sexual issues for men.
What isn’t normally considered here is that many vitamins and supplements are also derived from corn and soy, so people who are trying to be vigilant in avoiding these ingredients in their food may not even realize they could be taking them every day in their nutritional supplements!
Anthony Gucciardi of Natural Society recently warned everyone that many well-known and trusted nutritional supplements openly contain GM vitamin sources. During Natural Society’s investigation, they contacted NOW, a prominent vitamin company whose products are typically found in health stores and upscale grocery stores like Whole Foods, to inquire about GM ingredients in the company’s vitamin C. NOW responded:
All of our C is derived from standard corn not certified to be non-GMO… Many products [in the industry at large] contain soy or corn derivatives which are generally GMO’d. We are motivated towards non-GMO-sourced products.
So while the company claims they are “motivated” to stop selling GM products, that doesn’t translate to not selling them, as they openly admit they are. And that is just one example from one company that probably supplies nutritional supplements to hundreds of thousands of people every single day.
Two of the most common GM derived supplements are vitamin C (ascorbic acid) from corn and vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) from soy, which are sold alone but are also typically added to other supplements as well. In the video above for example, a NOW antioxidant supplement astaxanthin was labeled that it contained tocopherols derived from soy.
Food is not the only place by far hidden GMOs can be found. In searching for supplements, organic is important and there are outlets that sell non-corn and non-soy derived vitamins. We must err on the side of caution and realize that, if a supplement doesn’t explicitly say organic or non-GM, it is safer to assume it is derived from genetically modified sources.
For reference, here is a list of vitamins and supplements from the Non-GMO Shopping Guide.
As Gupta noted, “Proteins and fats in your food are incorporated into your body and brain with potentially profound effects on your health and even your behavior.”
Indeed. We must consider the heavy ramifications of what this vast daily intake of genetically modified corn and soy is doing to the average human being not just on a daily basis, but cumulatively over time, and how that will effect future generations.
I remember trying soy milk, the plain type, not flavored. I liked it, but it sure made me sick. That was the end of soy for me. They have been pushing it as a “health food” since the 1970s. More junk for our diet.
Drinking diet coke is bad enough.
I used to look at those who speak of depopulation as crackpots. Now, I begin to wonder. When I see how they ignore the reality of Fukushima, the terrible quality of our foods, the exploding cancer rates, I have to wonder. If there are indeed people who think the world would be better with a much smaller population, I can understand that. But, putting bad elements into our food on top of all the pollution……..doesn’t that affect everyone? There is no way to protect those in the gated communities from these things, either. Nobody seems to get it, mortality is something we all share.