Ron Paul Warns Of Dollar Collapse … Gold Will ‘Go To Infinity’ (Video)

See also:

Hong Kong Hedge Fund Manager William Kaye On The Massive Gold And Silver Plunge: ‘It’s The End Game Of A Fantastic Manipulation Of The Markets’

Gold, Silver Hammered To 2.5-Year Lows; Major, New Chart Damage Suggests More Downside To Come

YouTube Added: 20.06.2013


Breaking News: DHS Insider: It’s About To Get Very Ugly:

“We know all this already,” I stated. He looked at me, giving me a look like I’ve never seen, and actually pushed his finger into my chest. “You don’t know jack,” he said, “this is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than anyone can imagine. This administration is collecting names of sources, whistle blowers and their families, names of media sources and everybody they talk to and have talked to, and they already have a huge list. If you’re not working for MSNBC or CNN, you’re probably on that list. If you are a website owner with a brisk readership and a conservative bent, you’re on that list. It’s a political dissident list, not an enemy threat list,” he stated.

“Based on what I’ve seen, most of which I should not have seen, the DHS is co-ordinating efforts with other federal agencies to begin to threaten American citizens with incarceration for non-compliance. You know the old talk of color coded lists? Well, this is what they will be using. People exposing the truth about Benghazi, killing the U.S. Dollar, even those questioning Obama’s legal status and eligibility to be President are the current targets. And they’ve had five long years to get to this point. The ugly truth is that these policies and practices did not start under Obama, but long before. This is about the killing of our Constitutional Republic. The murder of our country and the stripping of our rights. While many have been preoccupied with one issue, few have seen the bigger issue. This is the ‘end game,’ for all the marbles,” he stated.

DHS Insider: ‘There Won’t Be Any Meaningful Deal About The Fiscal Crisis. This Is Planned … The Coming Collapse Of The U.S. Dollar Is A Done Deal.’:

DH: How soon do you see things taking place?

RB:They already are in motion. If you’re looking for a date I can’t tell you. Remember, the objectives are the same, but plans, well, they adapt. They exploit. Watch how this fiscal cliff thing plays out. This is the run-up to the next big economic event.

I can’t give you a date. I can tell you to watch things this spring. Start with the inauguration and go from there. Watch the metals, when they dip. It will be a good indication that things are about to happen. I got that little tidbit from my friend at [REDACTED].

Remote Viewing UPDATE: Major Ed Dames On … The ‘Kill-Shot’, Solar Flares, Safe Zones, Fukushima, Gold & Silver, Economic Collapse, Mad Max, ‘Obama Is The Last President’, Martial Law & Chaos:

The world’s foremost remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) is a decorated military intelligence officer and an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program. He served as the training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s psychic intelligence (PSIINT) collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency, a private consulting group.

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