RED ALERT: EU Wants To Regulate Cultivation Of ALL Fruits And Vegetables (Even In Private Gardens)

Original article in German down below.

Google translation:

EU wants to regulate cultivation of fruit and vegetables in gardens (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, April 23, 2013):

The European Commission wants to impose on farmers and gardeners in the future the use of standard seeds. Old and rare varieties have little chance of an approval, their cultivation will be  punishable by law – even if it takes place in private gardens.

The European Commission is working on a revision of the European seed market in the form of a regulation. Thus, a decision of the European Court is legalized in July 2012: Farmers are allowed to sell only officially authorized seed. So far, old and rare seed varieties were excluded that were grown in long standing economic and exchange traded, usually in small quantities. If it goes to the Commission’s plans, small farmers or private persons may not even give away their homegrown seeds in the future.

Many conventional vegetables and cereals are thus disappear from cultivation, criticize Austrian environmental organizations. The mandatory registration of all varieties would lead to a complete unification. The small-scale agriculture is thus completely excluded from the seed-disclosure, it says in the text accompanying a joint petition of Noah’s Ark and Global in 2000. For them, the procedure for seed species with insurmountable bureaucratic and financial hurdles should be connected. In addition, environmentalists fear a strict official control. When replacing non-approved seed varieties to harsh penalties.

Beneficiaries of the normalization are the only food groups that are already split the bulk of the seed market among themselves ( here ). For years, makes the lobby of the agricultural industry in Brussels mood for a further step in the direction of seed cartel. Objective is to control the entire food production by a few large corporations. Already, smaller competitors are forced by displaying Monsanto and Co to exclusively buy their seed. In the future, now also face administrative penalties.

Consumers have a little more freedom of choice, which lands on his plate, it is in a open letter from more than a dozen European environmental organizations to the Commission and the EU Parliament. Less diversity and less hot colors and tastes, and ultimately less food quality. Is now calling for a complete restructuring of the ongoing reform process. Users had a greater seed varieties available to provide diversity, especially species that are adapted to local conditions. This would help to reduce the use of pesticides, fertilizers and water and to reduce the pollution of soil and water.

Initiatives, such as environmental organizations or a request of the Greens in the Austrian Parliament but will probably be ineffective unless several Member States against the proposed regulation occur. Yet the decision has not been implemented. The EU Commission is on 6 May submit their draft, after the European Parliament has to deal with it.

If Parliament were to wave through the regulation and private people can no longer spread in their fruit and vegetable products, if not the Wishes of Monsanto EU standards.

It is indicative of the lack of democratic legitimacy of the EU that such fundamental decisions are taken, without the citizens noticed anything about it. Is Regulation once adopted, are the food groups in the right and the citizens on the defensive and will have the greatest difficulty in making the legal regulations undo.

Members of the European Parliament should have not even read the request for regulation.

They buy their food at the supermarket.

Original article:

EU will Anbau von Obst und Gemüse in Gärten regulieren (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, April 23, 2013):

Die Europäische Kommission will den Landwirten und Gärtnern in Zukunft die Verwendung von Einheits-Saatgut vorschreiben. Alte und seltene Sorten haben kaum Chancen auf eine Zulassung, ihr Anbau wird strafbar – auch wenn er im privaten Garten erfolgt.

Die EU-Kommission arbeitet an einer Neuregelung des europäischen Saatgut-Marktes in Form einer Verordnung. Damit wird eine Entscheidung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs vom Juli 2012 verrechtlicht: Landwirte dürfen nur mehr amtlich zugelassenes Saatgut verkaufen. Bisher waren alte und seltene Saatgut-Sorten ausgenommen, die in althergebrachter Tauschwirtschaft gezüchtet und in meist kleinen Mengen gehandelt wurden. Geht es nach den Plänen der Kommission, dürfen Kleinbauern oder Privatleute  ihr selbst gezüchtetes Saatgut in Zukunft nicht einmal mehr verschenken.

Viele konventionelle Gemüse- und Getreidesorten werden damit aus dem Anbau verschwinden, kritisieren österreichische Umweltorganisationen. Die verpflichtende Registrierung aller Sorten würde zu einer kompletten Vereinheitlichung führen. Die kleinstrukturierte Landwirtschaft ist damit vollständig von der Saatgut-Weitergabe ausgeschlossen, heißt es im Begleittext zu einer gemeinsamen Petition von Arche Noah und Global 2000. Für sie sei das Zulassungsverfahren für Saatgutarten mit unüberwindbaren bürokratischen und finanziellen Hürden verbunden. Zudem befürchten die Umweltschützer eine strenge amtliche Überwachung. Beim Tausch nicht zugelassener Saatgut-Sorten drohen hohe Strafen.

Profiteure der Normierung sind allein die Lebensmittel-Konzerne, die schon jetzt den Großteil des Saatgut-Marktes unter sich aufteilen (hier). Seit Jahren macht die Lobby der Agrarindustrie in Brüssel Stimmung für einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Saatgut-Kartell. Ziel ist die Kontrolle der gesamten Lebensmittelproduktion durch einige wenige Großkonzerne. Schon heute werden kleinere Konkurrenten mittels Anzeigen von Monsanto und Co dazu gezwungen, ausschließlich ihr Saatgut zu kaufen. In Zukunft drohen nun auch Verwaltungsstrafen.

Der Konsument habe kaum mehr eine Wahlfreiheit, was auf seinem Teller landet, heißt es in einem offenen Brief von mehr als einem Dutzend Europäischer Umweltschutzorganisationen an Kommission und EU-Parlament. Weniger Vielfalt heiße auch weniger Farben und Geschmäcker, und schlussendlich weniger Lebensmittelqualität. Gefordert wird eine komplette Neuausrichtung des nun laufenden Reformprozesses. Saatgutanwendern müsse eine größere Sorten-Vielfalt zu Verfügung stellen, insbesondere Arten, die an lokale Bedingungen angepasst sind. Dies würde dazu beitragen, den Verbrauch an Pestiziden, Düngemitteln und Wasser zu reduzieren und die Verschmutzung von Böden und Wasser einzudämmen.

Initiativen wie jene der Umweltorganisationen oder ein entsprechender Antrag der Grünen im österreichischen Nationalrat werden aber wohl wirkungslos bleiben, solange nicht mehrere Mitgliedsstaaten gegen die geplante Verordnung auftreten. Noch ist der Beschluss nicht umgesetzt. Die EU-Kommission soll am 6. Mai ihren Entwurf vorlegen, danach muss sich das EU-Parlament damit beschäftigen.

Sollte das Parlament die Verordnung durchwinken, dürfen auch Privatleute ihre in Obst- und Gemüseprodukte nicht mehr verbreiten, wenn sie nicht den Wünschen von Monsanto EU-Normen entsprechen.

Es ist bezeichnend für die mangelnde demokratische Legitimation der EU, dass solche grundlegenden Entscheidungen durchgezogen werden, ohne dass die Bürger davon etwas mitbekommen. Ist die Verordnung einmal beschlossen, sind die Lebensmittel-Konzerne im Recht und die Bürger in der Defensive und werden größte Schwierigkeiten haben, die gesetzlichen Regelungen wieder rückgängig zu machen.

Die Abgeordneten des Europa-Parlaments dürften den Antrag zur Verordnung nicht einmal gelesen haben.

Sie kaufen ihre Lebensmittel im Supermarkt.

Die Europäische Kommission will den Landwirten und Gärtnern in Zukunft die Verwendung von Einheits-Saatgut vorschreiben. Alte und seltene Sorten haben kaum Chancen auf eine Zulassung, ihr Anbau wird strafbar – auch wenn er im privaten Garten erfolgt.


The elitists are prepared.

Doomsday Seed Vault:

More Seeds For Doomsday Seed Vault

Investors Behind Doomsday Seed Vault May Provide Clues to Its Purpose (Part 2):

The group of investors includes The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation, and the Government of Norway.

African seed collection first to arrive in Norway on route to Arctic seed vault

Scientists to capture DNA of trees worldwide for database

Hungary to start the world’s first wild seed bank

Experts prepare for lunar ‘Doomsday Ark’

‘Doomsday’ seed vault opens in Arctic

38 thoughts on “RED ALERT: EU Wants To Regulate Cultivation Of ALL Fruits And Vegetables (Even In Private Gardens)”

  1. Pingback: Tagebuch | BvA-TeC
  2. If the Europeans don’t have the stones to take these fascist technocrats and hang them for the crows to peck, they deserve whatever the Hell they get.

  3. This is nonsense. It’s completely unenforceable. People will grow what they want in their own gardens. Prove that the carrots I’ve grown are from “illegal” seed. LOL

  4. Down with the rotten fascist EU! They want total hegemonic control of everything, the warning signs are clear. This move will only further erode trust in the EU, this is good because more people are seeing through the EU project and its fascist intent, the whole thing was thought up by Nazis so what can one expect?

  5. You individual Europeans need to take responsibility – don’t buy any Monsanto, and get in their faces about this piece of garbage lgislation. This leislation will moveyu in the opposite direction that youshould be moving -toward greater connection with Earth,the spirit.

  6. And how do we do that Frodo? You try getting people to care and complain! Most are so dumbed down they don’t care.

    It’s clear the seeds will be GM. But you know what they can’t check everyone’s gardens! It’s rediculous!

    People will still grow whatever they want.

  7. what the hell is the e.u. trying to accomplish witth this?? mono culture? back in ´83 the I.M.F. came to portugal and tryied to forbide the wine makers from using all the native varieties to focus on a very limited number, it didn´t work! they are backa and specially valued as they are rarer.
    in this time and age of civilazation(?) we already know that variety is richness and health, so stop trying to regulate nature, just let things grow and let us eat what we want, preferably native, in season and healthy, better and cheaper for eveyone, except greedy multi national corporations and corrupt politicians!

  8. i will never let EU Dictate to Me when it Comes to Growing my Own Food, none of their Damn business What other Eu Countries Should Grow, They have No Rights in Any Control of other Countries Agriculture, I would never Trust What They Give Us, Bloody poison Rat Food From Them, but out EU, None of your Damn business and if i want to grow an irish Seed Well i will plant an Irish Seed Not Foreign Seeds that Are full of Rat Poison

  9. It is none of EU damn Business, what other People in Other Countries Plant in their garden or any food Agriculture, who the hell do they think they are, dictating how people grow their own food of Vegetables or Fruit, they wont be coming into my home , that’s for sure, this is totally illegal and EU control freaks

  10. We are only enslaved if we submit to those who would have us enslaved;

    Ignorance & indifference become acceptance & tolerance.

    Acceptance & tolerance become endurance & disillusionment.

    Endurance & disillusionment will eventually lead to frustration & protest.

    When frustration & protest prove ultimately futile, we will be left with only one option to strive for our freedom.

    To fight…

  11. This is all about having all food controlled by Big Food (ex. Monsanto, etc.) so that those who oppose a world facist system can be starved to death. Any other explaination is nonsense. This has been planned a long time. This is about using food as a weapon as Henry Kissinger said.

  12. This is really about the elites controlling all food. The idea is to use food as a weapon. Those that oppose the facist/ communist system would be starved to death. We would have to get all of our “food” (GMO of course) through Big Food. That is the REAL reason behind this. Henry Kissinger talked about this in detail.

  13. If they have the technology to spray chemicals in the sky (chem trails) to control the weather, I am sure they have the techology to control the seeds we are allowed to grow.
    The one thing you must not overlook is that Nature will always win over man. At the moment man is a parasite, destroying everything he touches. Tip the balance any more and the day of reckoning will be here!
    Think positive, stick together, educate yourselves, keep yourself fit and healthy, look at what is behind every news report. They want you to retaliate with violence, then they can say that they obliterated you because you were the menace to society and they look good and get away with controlling us even more. Happy days!!!

  14. I don’t give a damn what the fascist bastards in the EU say – I will DEFY those soulless, subhuman freaks of nature and grow whatever I want. To hell with the lot of them.

  15. I must have read this scripture a thousand times in the last ten years-“-Revelations 11.18 “and the creator will bring ruin and destruction to those who ruin the earth” Humans that believe they have control over us [unjust governments] will see their complete destruction very soon now as events line up in these “last days”. God will not allow much more of this greed to go on.

  16. Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for Everybody
    Annihilation by Assimilation

    Every white country on earth is supposed to become multicultural and multiracial. EVERY white country is expected to end its own race and end its own culture. No one asks that of ANY non-white country.

    The Netherlands is more crowded than Japan, Belgium is more crowded than Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve the RACE problem by bringing in millions of third-worlders and assimilating and intermarrying with them.

    Everybody says the final solution to the RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to bring in the third world and assimilate with them.

    Immigration, tolerance, and especially assimilation are being used against the white race.

    All this immigration and intermarriage is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries.

    Anti-white is called anti-racist, but it leads to the disappearance of one race and only one race, the white race. The real aim of anti-racism is to wipe out the white race or make it a minority anywhere it exists.

    It is genocide.

  17. We all watch, we all protest and sign petitions and trying to help, we are all very clear what is happening but yet THEY keep wining! so what are we going to do when one day police with guns knock on our doors to ask us what we are growing in our gardens?? do you understand the bizzarness of the situation?? not even the worse case scenario sci fi movies show this kind of life! is that free life? how can a group of minority wealthy people rule over millions of normal regular people and we just accept it?? are we crazy? this planet is becoing a prison and this is our fault that we let this happen. Hitler was a small naive child comparing to what these people are doing today under the pretense of unitly, democracy and other BS they serve to us daily through media. we shoudl keep the human, animal and plant life diversity in every possible format on this planet , in evey corner. that is the only way to save ourselves and our children. dont be fooled that one petition will stop them. think about it.


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