‘Got the facts on Milk?’ (The Milk Documentary – Trailer) – Exposing Disturbing Truths About PROCESSED Milk


Revealing documentary exposes disturbing truths about processed milk (Natural News, April 9, 2012):

The processed milk industry spends millions of dollars a year marketing the myth that pasteurized, homogenized milk and milk products are health-promoting, and that the calcium in these products helps build strong bones. But the documentary Got the Facts on Milk? — The Milk Documentary exposes these and other claims as fraudulent, highlighting how processed milk consumption can actually lead to bone depletion and chronic disease.

From the popular Got Milk? spots on television and in magazines, to milk cartoon ads aimed at children, the processed dairy industry has to continue bombarding the next generation with pro-milk propaganda if it hopes to survive. After all, rapidly-increasing lactose intolerance, chronic allergies, and other conditions on the rise as a result of processed milk consumption have already spurred many people to switch from processed milk to non-dairy alternatives or even to raw milk.

But the truth of the matter is that conventional milk is unhealthy. Because it has been heated to very high temperatures through pasteurization, and denatured through the process of homogenization, the end product is largely devoid of the life-giving nutrients that are present in raw milk. And those nutrients that do remain, including calcium, are actually acidifying, and result in leeching of vital nutrients from bones and other areas of the body.

You can watch the trailer for Got the Facts on Milk? — The Milk Documentary by visiting:

Another major issue with conventional milk is the addition of antibiotics and hormones, including the highly-toxic recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), a genetically-modified (GM) hormone originally developed by Monsanto. Though some dairy products specifically claim that they do not contain rBGH, no mandatory labeling requirement has ever been established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this additive, which is linked to causing severe animal illness and cancer in humans (http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_3717.cfm).

Processed, conventional milk destroys health while organic, grass-fed, raw milk promotes it

Real milk, on the other hand, which is milk in its natural, raw form, contains a proper balance of alkalizing minerals and acidifying minerals, as well as alkalizing buffers that prevent mineral leeching. Raw milk is also typically derived from small-scale, pasture-based animals, as opposed to the filthy, industrial-scale feedlots from which most conventional milk is derived (http://phbalance.wikispaces.com/Milk%2C+Meats+and+Fish).

While the film Got the Facts on Milk? — The Milk Documentary focuses primarily on conventional milk, it is important to note that grass-fed, organic, raw milk from cows, goats, and even sheep and camels is far different from the pasteurized, homogenized so-called milk products sold in most grocery stores. The former can actually help promote good health and prevent disease, while the latter has really only been shown to be a health detriment.

To learn more about Got the Facts on Milk? — The Milk Documentary, visit:

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