Bill Gates Backs Climate Scientists Lobbying For Large-Scale Geoengineering (Guardian)

See also:

Microsoft Buys Eugenics Technology From Merck, Becomes Drug Development Partner With Top Global Vaccine Manufacturer

Bill Gates Funds Technology To Cause Instant Male Infertility

Bill Gates In Global Push To Vaccinate Every Child On The Planet

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are For Depopulation

Here is his friends (billionaire philantropist Warren Buffett’s) book cover:

See the Masonic symbolism on Buffett’s book cover

These guys are not wrong, just evil!

The billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates is backing a group of climate scientists lobbying for geoengineering experiments. Photograph: Ted S. Warren/AP

Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering (Guardian, Feb. 6, 2012):

Other wealthy individuals have also funded a series of reports into the future use of technologies to geoengineer the climate

A small group of leading climate scientists, financially supported by billionaires including Bill Gates, are lobbying governments and international bodies to back experiments into manipulating the climate on a global scale to avoid catastrophic climate change.

The scientists, who advocate geoengineering methods such as spraying millions of tonnes of reflective particles of sulphur dioxide 30 miles above earth, argue that a “plan B” for climate change will be needed if the UN and politicians cannot agree to making the necessary cuts in greenhouse gases, and say the US government and others should pay for a major programme of international research.

Solar geoengineering techniques are highly controversial: while some climate scientists believe they may prove a quick and relatively cheap way to slow global warming, others fear that when conducted in the upper atmosphere, they could irrevocably alter rainfall patterns and interfere with the earth’s climate.

Geoengineering is opposed by many environmentalists, who say the technology could undermine efforts to reduce emissions, and by developing countries who fear it could be used as a weapon or by rich countries to their advantage. In 2010, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity declared a moratorium on experiments in the sea and space, except for small-scale scientific studies.

Concern is now growing that the small but influential group of scientists, and their backers, may have a disproportionate effect on major decisions about geoengineering research and policy.

“We will need to protect ourselves from vested interests [and] be sure that choices are not influenced by parties who might make significant amounts of money through a choice to modify climate, especially using proprietary intellectual property,” said Jane Long, director at large for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US, in a paper delivered to a recent geoengineering conference on ethics.

“The stakes are very high and scientists are not the best people to deal with the social, ethical or political issues that geoengineering raises,” said Doug Parr, chief scientist at Greenpeace. “The idea that a self-selected group should have so much influence is bizarre.”

Pressure to find a quick technological fix to climate change is growing as politicians fail to reach an agreement to significantly reduce emissions. In 2009-2010, the US government received requests for over $2bn(£1.2bn) of grants for geoengineering research, but spent around $100m.

As well as Gates, other wealthy individuals including Sir Richard Branson, tar sands magnate Murray Edwards and the co-founder of Skype, Niklas Zennström, have funded a series of official reports into future use of the technology. Branson, who has frequently called for geoengineering to combat climate change, helped fund the Royal Society’s inquiry into solar radiation management last year through his Carbon War Room charity. It is not known how much he contributed.

Professors David Keith, of Harvard University, and Ken Caldeira of Stanford, are the world’s two leading advocates of major research into geoengineering the upper atmosphere to provide earth with a reflective shield. They have so far received over $4.6m from Gates to run the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (Ficer). Nearly half Ficer’s money, which comes directly from Gates’s personal funds, has so far been used for their own research, but the rest is disbursed by them to fund the work of other advocates of large-scale interventions.

According to statements of financial interests, Keith receives an undisclosed sum from Bill Gates each year, and is the president and majority owner of the geoengineering company Carbon Engineering, in which both Gates and Edwards have major stakes – believed to be together worth over $10m.

Another Edwards company, Canadian Natural Resources, has plans to spend $25bn to turn the bitumen-bearing sand found in northern Alberta into barrels of crude oil. Caldeira says he receives $375,000 a year from Gates, holds a carbon capture patent and works for Intellectual Ventures, a private geoegineering research company part-owned by Gates and run by Nathan Myhrvold, former head of technology at Microsoft.

According to the latest Ficer accounts, the two scientists have so far given $300,000 of Gates money to part-fund three prominent reviews and assessments of geoengineering – the UK Royal Society report on Solar Radiation Management, the US Taskforce on Geoengineering and a 2009 report by Novin a science thinktank based in Santa Barbara, California. Keith and Caldeira either sat on the panels that produced the reports or contributed evidence. All three reports strongly recommended more research into solar radiation management.

The fund also gave $600,000 to Phil Rasch, chief climate scientist for the Pacific Northwest national laboratory, one of 10 research institutions funded by the US energy department.

Rasch gave evidence at the first Royal Society report on geoengineering 2009 and was a panel member on the 2011 report. He has testified to the US Congress about the need for government funding of large-scale geoengineering and, according to a financial statement he gave the Royal Society, also works for Intellectual Ventures. In addition, Caldeira and Keith gave a further $240,000 to geoengineering advocates to travel and attend workshops and meetings and $100,000 to Jay Apt, a prominent advocate of geoengineering as a last resort, and professor of engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. Apt worked with Keith and Aurora Flight Sciences, a US company that develops drone aircraft technology for the US military, to study the costs of sending 1m tonnes of sulphate particles into the upper atmosphere a year.

Analysis of the eight major national and international inquiries into geoengineering over the past three years shows that Keith and Caldeira, Rasch and Prof Granger Morgan the head of department of engineering and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University where Keith works, have sat on seven panels, including one set up by the UN. Three other strong advocates of solar radiation geoengineering, including Rasch, have sat on national inquiries part-funded by Ficer.

“There are clear conflicts of interest between many of the people involved in the debate,” said Diana Bronson, a researcher with Montreal-based geoengineering watchdog ETC.

“What is really worrying is that the same small group working on high-risk technologies that will geoengineer the planet is also trying to engineer the discussion around international rules and regulations. We cannot put the fox in charge of the chicken coop.”

“The eco-clique are lobbying for a huge injection of public funds into geoengineering research. They dominate virtually every inquiry into geoengineering. They are present in almost all of the expert deliberations. They have been the leading advisers to parliamentary and congressional inquiries and their views will, in all likelihood, dominate the deliberations of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as it grapples for the first time with the scientific and ethical tangle that is climate engineering,” said Clive Hamilton, professor of Public Ethics at the Australian National University, in a Guardian blog.

The scientists involved reject this notion. “Even the perception that [a small group of people has] illegitimate influence [is] very unhealthy for a technology which has extreme power over the world. The concerns that a small group [is] dominating the debate are legitimate, but things are not as they were,” said Keith. “It’s changing as countries like India and China become involved. The era when my voice or that of a few was dominant is over. We need a very broad debate.”

“Every scientist has some conflict of interest, because we would all like to see more resources going to study things that we find interesting,” said Caldeira. “Do I have too much influence? I feel like I have too little. I have been calling for making CO2 emissions illegal for many years, but no one is listening to me. People who disagree with me might feel I have too much influence. The best way to reduce my influence is to have more public research funds available, so that our funds are in the noise. If the federal government played the role it should in this area, there would be no need for money from Gates.

“Regarding my own patents, I have repeatedly stated that if any patent that I am on is ever used for the purposes of altering climate, then any proceeds that accrue to me for this use will be donated to nonprofit NGOs and charities. I have no expectation or interest in developing a personal revenue stream based upon the use of these patents for climate modification.”.

Rasch added: “I don’t feel there is any conflict of interest. I don’t lobby, work with patents or intellectual property, do classified research or work with for-profit companies. The research I do on geoengineering involves computer simulations and thinking about possible consequences. The Ficer foundation that has funded my research tries to be transparent in their activities, as do I.”

Global warming is a scam:

Chinese 2,485-Year Tibetan Tree-Ring Study Shows NATURAL CYCLES CONTROL CLIMATE, Predicts Temperatures To COOL Until 2068 (JoNova)

Prof. Ian Plimer: ‘How To Get Expelled From School’

Former Australian PM John Howard Supports ‘Anti-Global Warmist Manual’ For Kids (ABC News)

Hypocrite Warning: Climate Change Minister Charles Hendry Buys Castle With 16 Bathrooms … And A Massive Carbon Footprint (Daily Mail)

Brazilian Meteorologist Prof. Luiz Carlos Molion: World Headed For Global Cooling (Ice Age Now)

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Documentary – Full Length)

Top Russian Scientist Predicts 100 Years Of Global Cooling

Lying, Cheating Climate Scientists Caught Lying, Cheating Again (Telegraph)

Weather Channel Founder Calls Global Warming ‘The Greatest Scam In History’ – John Coleman Explains The ‘Global Warming Myth’ (Video)

Sun’s Ultraviolet Light Could Explain The Coming Mini Ice Age (BBC News)

Britain Faces Mini Ice Age That Could Last For Decades (Daily Express)

Global Warming Fraud: Iconic Polar Bear On Melting Ice Cap A Hoax (Natural News)

The Great Sea Level Humbug: There Is No Alarming Sea Level Rise! (Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner)

10 Reasons To Be Cheerful About The Coming New Ice Age (Telegraph)

Scientists Admit Climate Cooled In The LAST DECADE, Cite Sulfur Pollution from China (Activist Post)

Carbon Scam Tax Will Change Our World (Telegraph)

70 Trillion Cubic Feet of NEW ARTIC ICE ( Modern Survival Blog)

On The Current State Of Climate Science: Unequivocal Equivocation – An Open Letter To Dr. Trenberth (What’s Up With That?)

Warmists Plot Secretly to Kill off The Medieval Warming Period Again (Telegraph)

Professor Harold Lewis: ‘Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud I Have Seen In My Long Life’ (Telegraph)

Kiwigate: Global Warming Scam Revealed in Court (Suite 101)

Dr Rajendra Pachauri’s charity accounts ‘ANOMALIES’ (Telegraph)

Global Cooling and the New World Order (Telegraph):

“The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.”

Yep, that’s right. Global Cooling.

‘Climate change sceptics have smaller members, uglier wives, dumber kids’ says new study made up by warmists

Leading Scientist Warns of Ice Age: ‘Most of Europe Will Be Under Ice’

Met Office blocked role of leading scientist in ‘hockey stick’ climate change row

Godfrey Bloom Exposes the Global Warming Scam (European Parliament, Strasbourg, 20.01.2010)

Lord Christopher Monckton reports on Pachauri’s eye opening Copenhagen presentation

Top Scientist: Rise of Sea Levels is ‘The Greatest Lie Ever Told’

Prof. Ian Clark: ‘Rises in C02 lag 800 years behind temperature rises!’ – You will pay taxes for nothing! (!)

Climate crunch: David Bellamy on global warming fraud

Study: CO2 levels remained constant since 1850! (University of Bristol) (!)

What happened to global warming? The warmest year recorded globally was 1998 (BBC News)

Global Warming Expert Prof. Latif: Earth has not warmed for nearly a decade and that we are likely entering “one or even two decades during which temperatures cool.” (The Calgary Herald)

Solar Physicist Predicts Ice Age: “SOLAR CYCLE 24 HAS NOW GONE CLEARLY BELOW DALTON LEVEL.” (The Examiner)

The Great Global Warming Swindle (Documentary)

Ron Paul: Global Warming Petition Signed by 31,478 Scientists (Lew Rockwell)

NASA Study: Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Gobal Warming (DailyTech)

Global warming alarmists out in cold (Herald Sun)

Nobody listens to the real climate change experts (Telegraph)

Climate ‘denial’ is now a mental disorder (Telegraph)

Japan’s boffins: Global warming isn’t man-made (The Register)

Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for fraud (Video)

World is getting colder: It’s the sun, not CO2, that’s to blame (Washington Times)

Global warning: We are actually heading towards a new Ice Age, claim scientists (Daily Mail)

Scientists find greenhouse gas hysteria to be myth (World Net Daily)

2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved (Telegraph)

Army: Sun, Not Man, Is Causing Climate Change (Wired)

World might be heading towards Ice Age (Economic Times)

Flashback: David Ballamy: ‘BBC shunned Me For Denying Man-Made Global Warming’ (Daily Express)


Climategate: Inventor of Mann-made global warming feels the heat

Climategate: New Revelations

Climategate: Dr. Michael Mann Threatens Lawsuit Over Satirical YouTube Video

Climategate: The Parliamentary Cover-Up Exposed (Telegraph)

Climategate: Two More Bricks Fall Out Of The IPCC Wall Of Deceit – Rainforests And Polar Bears (Telegraph)

Climategate: Michael Mann’s Very Unhappy ‘Whistleblower’ New Year (Telegraph)

Climategate: Al Gore spews the usual utter nonsense but this time no one believes him (Telegraph)

Climategate: Which part of ‘over’ don’t these people understand? – A quick idiot’s guide to why Climategate does matter (Telegraph)

Climategate and the Tiger Woods Index; Al Gore cancels Copenhagen speaking event (Telegraph)

Lord Christopher Monckton – Climategate: Caught Greenhanded! Cold Facts About The Hot Topic of Global Temperature Change After The Climategate Scandal

Climategate: It’s all unravelling now! (Telegraph)

Climategate: Follow the Money (The Wall Street Journal)

Climategate scandal claims its first big political scalp (Telegraph)

Climategate: Googlegate?! (Telegraph)

Lord Cristopher Monckton on Climategate: Shut Down The UN, Arrest Al Gore

Climategate: This is the worst scientific scandal of our generation (Telegraph)

Climategate: The great climate change science scandal (The Times)

Climategate Scandal: The Whitewash Begins (Telegraph)

Climategate: Hacked emails include calls for ‘Earth Government’ as foundation of new world order, splitting of America

Lord Christopher Monckton on Climategate: ‘They Are Criminals’

Climategate: George Monbiot – aka the Great Moonbat – makes it all suddenly OK through medium of satire (Telegraph)

Climategate: Scientists Would Rather Change Facts Than Their Theories (RT)

Climategate on Lateline: Private climate documents hacked, published

Climategate Bombshell: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

Climategate: The Day Science Died (TBR)

Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science (Telegraph)

Climategate: CRU director admits the emails flying all over the internet appear to be genuine (Herald Sun)

Climategate: The Final Nail in The Coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?! (Telegraph)

Follow the money and the New World Order:

£500 On Electricity Bills to Pay For Green Energy Scam

Who Will Profit From The UN Forest Protection Scheme? Big Oil Companies And The Banksters

Agenda 21 Explained

Desperate Days For Warmists

Al Gore’s Enormous Carbon Footprint

UK: Climate Change Act has the biggest ever bill (Telegraph)

EU President Herman Van Rompuy Announces 2009 as ‘First Year of Global Governance’

Congressman Ron Paul on the Copenhagen Treaty and the Cyber Security Act: ‘They are doing everything in the world to control the internet.’

Al Gore could become world’s first carbon billionaire

Lord Christopher Monckton: Is President Obama Poised to Surrender the Constitution and US Sovereignty to World Government? (!!!)

EU Proposes €50bn Climate Change Deal Ahead of December’s Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen

So global warming is really about the elite finding more ways to take away your freedom and your money!


10:10 – No Pressure (Fascism We Can Take A Bath In!)

Build-A-Bear: The Sinister Green Plot to Turn Our Kids Into Eco-Fascist Manchurian Candidates

Insane British Government Global Warming Ad: Panic, Little Ones, It’s The Carbon Monster

In the news:

What the Chinese really think of ‘Man-Made Global Warming’

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Mongolian herders lost millions of animals because of extreme cold

Spain: Heaviest Snowfall in Decades Leaves 250,000 Without Power

Met Office: British winter was the coldest for 31 years

US ‘Snowmageddon’: Hundreds of Thousands Remain Without Power in Washington DC

Florida: Manatees die in record numbers from cold

Florida Freeze Destroys Estimated 70% of Southwest Vegetable Crop

UK: Gas supply rationed as temperature drops to -21C

Winter Chaos Around The World

Beijing and Seoul Hit by Heaviest Snow in More Than Half Century

Britain is facing one of the coldest winters in 100 years, experts predict

NCDC: 250 Snowfall Records So Far In 2009; This December Shapes Up to be the Coldest on Record

US Blizzard: Christmas Misery for Millions; Oklahoma State of Emergency (Video)

Blizzard Blasts Eastern US: Hundreds of Thousands of Homes Without Power

Snowing on Copenhagen’s Global Warmist Parade

US East Coast faces severe winter storm

US ‘Monster’ Winter Storm Resembles Wintery Hurricane With Blizzard Conditions

US: Cheyenne records snowiest October on record

Autumn record-setting snowstorm wallops Rockies, Plains

US: Freak Summer Storm Dumps Snow in Yonkers

Nature knows exactly how to deal with CO2:

Carbon Dioxide Air Fertilization Improves Plant Growth and Quality, Cuts Operating Costs While Increasing Production

If you really want to change the climate on this planet then:

Environment: Solar plant yields water and crops from the desert

Greening the Desert

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