End The Fed Demonstrations in 39 Cities Across the U.S.

Lorie Kramer – November 25, 2008

In 39 cities across the country, FED-UP! citizens protested
the Federal Reserve Banking System in the United States.
This page is a collective report of those demonstrations.

End The Fed 2008

Washington DC

End the Fed [Washington, DC] 22-Nov-2008

Rick Williams: “The Fed is a Fraud!”

Adam Kokesh: “Matter of Life and Death”

Tony Teolis: Legacy of the Fed is Death

Gary Franchi: “Bury the Beast!”

Jordan Page Sings “The War Machine”

Ted Terbolizard Call 4 END of FED & IRS

End The Fed Nationwide Rally! – Photos

3 YT’ers @ End the Fed

Houston, Texas

Ron Paul: End the Fed!

Ron Paul’s Address at Houston Rally

Complete Address – 4 parts

Video of Ron Paul’s Questioning of Fed Chairman Bernanke
Regarding a New International Currency on Nov. 18, 2008

Dallas, Texas

Alex Jones End the Fed Interview

End the Fed Rally 112208

“End the Fed” protesters assemble in downtown Dallas

El Paso, Texas

Protest group calls for an end to the Federal Reserve Bank

San Antonio, Texas

Protesters state their case in front of Federal Reserve FOX


End the Fed San Antonio Local News

Talking to a SA Cop about september 11th

Educating Tourists at the Alamo about HR 2755

WeAreChange San Antonio End the Fed 11-22-08

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

End the Fed March-Oklahoma City, OK 11/22/08

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago End The Fed on NBC

End the Fed – Chicago

11.22.08 end the fed chicago

End The Fed – Part 1

End The Fed – Part 2

Cleveland, Ohio

Detroit, Michigan


End The Fed Rally: Detroit

End the Fed Detroit Nov 22 ’08

End the Fed Detroit


Minneapolis, Minnesota

End the Fed National Rally – Nov 22, 2008

Salt Lake City, Utah

‘End Fed’ Protest

Louisville, Kentucky

Louisville End The Fed Rally – November 22, 2008

Jacksonville, Florida

Protestors in Downtown Jacksonville Want to Shut Down Federal Reserve

End the Fed Rally 2008-Jacksonville

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

James Babb’s Photos – End the Fed

end the fed philly 1

end the fed philly 2

end the fed philly 3

Pittsburg, Pennsylvania

Demonstrators Protest Against Federal Reserve Bank

New York City, New York

End The FED NYC 11.22.2008

End the Fed Rally New York 2

End The Fed NYC 11-22-08 @ the NYSE

Natural Solutions at End the Fed Rally in NYC


Support H.R. 2755 End The Fed!

End The Fed NYC: Former Fed Employee Tells His Story

Buffalo, New York

“End The Fed” Protesters Gather Downtown

Indianapolis, Indiana


Bloomington, Indiana

End the Fed Rally

Atlanta, Georgia

END THE FED protest in Atlanta 11/22/08

Boston, Massachusets

End The Fed Rally Boston Nov. 22, 2008

End The Fed Rally-Boston,MA 22Nov08

End The FED Boston

Boston End the Fed Rally

Charlotte, North Carolina

2008 END the FED Protest/Rally

End The Fed Charlotte NC

We Are Change NC End The Fed

Nashville, Tennesee

CAAA End The Fed Nashville

END the FED Rally Nashvillle CAAA

Miami, Florida

End The Fed Miami

End the FED rally in Miami

End the Fed, Miami with Debbie and Dennis

Los Angeles, California

END THE FED!, Los Angeles, 11/22/08

End The Fed Rally Los Angeles 2008 Part 1

End The Fed Rally Los Angeles 2008 Part 2

End The Fed Rally Los Angeles 2008 Part 3

Ron Paul has a STAR on the Walk Of Fame in Hollywood!

San Francisco, California

End the Fed, San Francisco:Cindy Sheehan

End The Fed – Cindy Sheehan

End the Fed March

End The Fed – San Francisco

End-the-Fed Rally, Market Street, San Francisco

Portland, Oregon

End The Fed Portland


End the Fed Portland

Little Rock, Arkansas

St. Louis, Missouri

End The Fed St. Louis Rally

End The Fed St. Louis Rally 2

Kansas City, Kansas

Photos from Kansas City ETF Rally

The Kansas City “End The Fed” Rally Group – Photos

National Coverage

UPI – Protesters call for end of Federal Reserve

International Coverage


US protestors: End the Federal Reserve

Has Washington ETF Rally video


Russia Today Crisis Chronicle

Angry Americans protest against U.S. monetary policy

Americans protest against U.S. Fed policy – Video


Heroic Anti-Fed Rallies
– by Lew Rockwell

End the Fed, End Wall Street Bankster Rule, End the Derivatives Depression
– by Webster G. Tarpley

End the Federal Reserve Bank – by Subprime Blogger

End the Fed Videos

Promoting HR 2755 End The Fed – Glenn Beck Mark Levin Medved

Wake Up & Smell the Fed – End the Fed Info Tribute

Protesting the Federal Reserve – End the Fed! – www.EndTheFed.us


End The FED; November 22nd, 2008

end the fed rally is a noble cause – aimeeallen

End The Fed Materials

ETF Flyers, Brochures and Posters

Send Message – Support HR 2755

End the Fed Side 1 – JBS

End The Fed Side 2

Lorie Kramer – Houston, TX – [email protected]

Source: Seektress.com

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