Here are three videos concerning Ron Paul’s questioning of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke during a congressional hearing on November 18, 2008.
The first video shows the actual questioning during the hearing; the second video shows Ron Paul commenting on his questioning of Bernanke; and the third video shows Ron Paul being interviewed on Fox News later the same day regarding his questioning of Bernanke, and his views on the current financial crisis in general, the bailouts, and the need for sound money.
Ron Paul Questions Fed Chairman Bernanke About a New International Currency on Nov. 18, 2008
Ron Paul’s Own Video Commentary Regarding His Questioning of Bernanke on Nov. 18, 2008.
Ron Paul on Fox Business News, 11/18/2008, regarding his questioning of Bernanke, and his views regarding the Wall Street Bailout, the proposed auto bailout, and the need for sound money.
Written by Larry Greenley
Sunday, 23 November 2008 15:56
Source: The John Birch Society