– 911 Dust by Jeff Prager – Final Version (Veterans Today, Sep 21, 2012):
911 Dust : An Original Essay by Jeff Prager with new, never before seen references, specifically references 10, 11 and especially 12. Without question, no one has seen #12.
In order to cause concrete and steel to turn to micron-sized dust particles at Ground Zero as presented by Dr. Thomas Cahill, UC Davis Delta Group, the speed of sound must be reached in those items. Dr. Cahill is one of the world’s premier atmospheric physicists.The speed of sound for concrete is 3200-3600mps (meters per second) and for steel the speed of sound is 6100mps.[1] Based on statements by Dr. Stephen Jones he estimates the velocity for his aluminum and iron oxide energetic compound in a silica substrate at 300mps.
According to Lawrence Livermore Laboratories the maximum velocity for an energetic compound made of iron oxide and aluminum in a silica substrate is 895mps. Again, according to Lawrence Livermore the velocity can be increased to above 2000mps if copper is added.
We know that the energetic compound allegedly found by Dr. Jones did not have a copper component.
This energetic compound allegedly found by Dr. Jones is incapable of turning either steel or concrete into the micron sized particles found by Dr. Cahill.
Dr. Cahill set up his sophisticated atmospheric monitoring system on a rooftop adjacent to Ground Zero on or about October of 2001 and took air samples for close to 30 days.
Dr. Cahill stated, “soil and glass were boiling” at Ground Zero well after September 11th, 2001 and up to and including October 30, 2001 and beyond.[2][8]
To vaporize or boil soil and glass rather extraordinary temperatures must be reached and maintained. A fire of this magnitude must have something feeding it oxygen.
Underground fires, whether fed by nanothermite or other incendiaries, require oxygen. There is only ONE source of igniting and maintaining a fire without a constant feed of oxygen.
Read more911 Dust By Jeff Prager – Final Version (Veterans Today)