Radioactive Cesium At 91,600 Bq/Kg In Sunflowers (Iitate-mura, Fukushima)

91,600 Bq/Kg of Radioactive Cesium from Sunflowers in Iitate-mura, Fukushima (EX-SKF, Feb. 14, 2012):

So the sunflowers DID concentrate radioactive cesium in soil. It was not where the Japanese government wanted you to find.

According to one Iitate-mura villager, Mr. Itoh, who had his sunflowers tested, the radioactive cesium was IN THE ROOTS. He suspects that the government knew, and cherry-picked the data that seemingly supported the foregone conclusion that sunflowers do not work in decontaminating the soil.

Why? Because the government wants and needs to distribute big money to big businesses that closely work with the government in the “decontamination” bubble that they’ve created.

From his tweets on February 7, 2012:

? ??????????????39,500????? ?????????52,100????? ???????91,600?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????

Sunflower roots: Cesium-134, 39,500 Bq/kg; cesium-137, 52,100 Bq/kg; total 91,600 Bq/kg. Since the roots were burned at low a temperature, the roots were reduced to only one-quarter in mass. 2,200 grams of the roots were burned, resulting in 460 grams of ashes.

Read moreRadioactive Cesium At 91,600 Bq/Kg In Sunflowers (Iitate-mura, Fukushima)

Sunflowers Battle Radiation In Fukushima, Japan

Every plant that absorbs high levels of calcium and confuses calcium with radioactive cesium will absorb a lot of radiation.

Can this be called a solution?

Sunflowers battle radiation in Fukushima, Japan (Yahoo News, Aug 30, 2011):

Out of the earthquake’s rubble, bright blooms are providing hope to a nation reeling from nuclear disaster.

When March 11th’s massive earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, about 80,000 people were forced to abandon their homes.

It was “the world’s worst nuclear accident in 25 years.”

With radiation leaks, hydrogen explosions and overheated fuel rods to blame, the radiation spread beyond just the evacuation area, contaminating the ground in the agricultural region. In some areas, even the tea is radioactive.

Fifty kilometres away from the plant site the Buddhist Joenji temple. There, chief monk Koyu Abe and a team of 100 volunteers began growing and distributing sunflowers, hoping to both lift spirits and lighten the radiation’s impact.

“We plant sunflowers, field mustard, amaranthus and cockscomb, which are all believed to absorb radiation,” said the monk. “So far we have grown at least 200,000 flowers (at this temple) and distributed many more seeds. At least 8 million sunflowers blooming in Fukushima originated from here.”

Read moreSunflowers Battle Radiation In Fukushima, Japan