Charleston church shooting: the larger covert op

H/t reader squodgy:

Very disturbing indeed.”

Related info:

Charleston S.C. Church Shooting Hoax – Divide And Conquer! – False Flag – And Yes, They Are Coming For Your Guns (Video)

Charleston church shooting: the larger covert op (Jon Rappoport, June 18, 2015):

“Long-term covert ops sometimes disguise themselves by claiming that the hidden cause of a problem is the cure. So it is with psychiatric drugs, like SSRI antidepressants, which push people into committing murder. In the aftermath of these killings, leaders call for expanded psychiatric screening—which will result in further prescription of those very same drugs.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Police report the suspect in the Charleston church shooting, Dylann Roof, has been captured.

This is the latest in a string of crimes in which black-white conflict has been highlighted, pressed, argued, and used, for the purposes of: fanning flames of racial discord, exercising further gun control, and fatuously claiming that universal psychiatric screening and drugging is an answer.

In this brief article, I focus on black-white conflict.

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