Globe and Mail, Feb. 27, 2014: Mystery surrounds massive die-off of oysters and scallops off B.C. coast […] Something is killing oysters and scallops in dramatic numbers […] The cause is unknown, but ocean acidification is the main suspect. […] last year, nearby Pendrell Sound had a massive die-off of wild oysters. […] [Rob Saunders, CEO of Island Scallops] has lost 10 million scallops over the past two years, and smaller companies have had similar problems. Mr. Saunders is pushing for a research project to find out what’s happening. […] one of BC’s biggest suppliers of fresh seafood, said the scallop die-off has rung alarm bells.
CBC, Feb. 25, 2014: The deteriorating health of B.C.’s oceans […] Millions of shellfish are dying off before they can be harvested at Island Scallops […] researchers will try to determine if acidification is to blame or if other factors are at play.