Related info:
– US May Face Inevitable Nuclear Power Exit (
– Plastic Bags, Tape, Broomsticks Fix San Onofre Nuclear Plant Leak (ABC 10News – Video, Photo)
– Radioactive leak found at Palisades Nuclear Power Plant (RT, May 17, 2013):
Investigators have discovered a half-inch long crack around a nozzle on one of the tanks of the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant, and have attributed the crack to the water leakage that spilled radioactive water into Lake Michigan on May 5.
The plant, which is located on the shore of the great lake and operated by Entergy, was shut down after the water tank exceeded its site threshold and leaked. Authorities say the crack led to about 79 gallons of “slightly radioactive water” spilling from the Palisades plant into the lake, WOOD-TV reports.
The leak came from a 300,000-gallon injection and refueling tank, which floods and cools the nuclear reactor with borated water during refueling outages. It also removes heat from the reactor when there is a loss of coolant by sourcing the safety injection system.