Dick Cheney’s Daughter Says Pelosi Should Be Proud Of Torture … And … ‘You Know, Mrs. Pelosi’s Problem Is That Her Spine Doesn’t Seem To Reach Her Brain’

Since waterboarding is not even considered to be torture by none other than Dick ‘Darth’ Cheney, I suggest that Liz Cheney be waterboarded about, hmmh, let’s say 50 times or until she admits that she is the granddaugther of Joseph Stalin.

Then we’ll ask her again if she is proud of torture and if her answer is still a ‘YES’ we will send her to Uzbekistan as terrorist suspect for interrogation …

Former UK ambassador: CIA sent people to Uzbekistan for extreme torture, to be ‘raped with broken bottles,’ ‘boiled alive’ and ‘having their children tortured in front of them’

… so that she will finally know (maybe for the first time in her entire life) what she is talking about.

Cheney’s daughter says Pelosi should be proud of torture (Intellihub, April 9, 2014):

Dick Cheney’s Daughter said that Nancy Pelosi’s “spine doesn’t reach her head”, if she is not proud of torture.

Speaking to Fox News on Tuesday, Dick Cheney’s daughter made some alarming comments in response to Nancy Pelosi’s public condemnation of the interrogation tactics that were used by the Bush administration.

It is important to mention that the Obama administration which Pelosi works for is guilty of the same torture, but the comments that her criticism provoked from members of Dick Cheney’s family were very revealing.

Read moreDick Cheney’s Daughter Says Pelosi Should Be Proud Of Torture … And … ‘You Know, Mrs. Pelosi’s Problem Is That Her Spine Doesn’t Seem To Reach Her Brain’