Title: Want to Meet Influential New Yorkers? Invite Them to Dinner
Source: New York Times
Author: Jennifer Miller
Date: Oct. 9, 2013Want to Meet Influential New Yorkers? Invite Them to Dinner
[…] “This guy influences generations of young actors,” [Director Dan Schechter] said and pointed his finger at [Kevin Corrigan (‘Goodfellas’, ‘The Departed’)]
[…] when you put many successful, strong-willed people from so many different professions together at one party, there is bound to be conflict in addition to connection. It wasn’t long after dinner that Mr. Corrigan stumbled upon [“What Not to Wear” co-host Stacy London] talking about her new Burberry clutch and how [Dinner host Jonathan] Levy’s network could help influence people’s style choices.
Mr. Corrigan was wearing a nearly monochrome outfit of brown T-shirt and slacks. “We have Fukushima polluting the entire Pacific Ocean and we’re talking about how people should be dressed?” he demanded.
Ms. London said, “I care how people feel about themselves.”
He said while nodding sarcastically: “I agree that regardless of how much pollution is being leaked, people should look good.” […]