The Cold, Hard Facts about the Georgia-Russia War

Dr. David Duke

A little refugee from South Ossetia, victim to what has to be described as an ethnic
cleansing operation and terror campaign by Georgian troops, advised by the Israeli
military – who undoubtedly shared their experience of terrorizing the Palestinians
over the years. This cold, hard fact is being blatantly ignored by the heavily Zionist
influenced press in the US, who continue to paint Russia as the aggressor and the
Georgians as the innocent victims. [INCOG]

“Russia has invaded a sovereign neighboring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people. Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st century.” -President Bush Condemns Russia (AP August 10, 2008)

The usual suspects who control the media and politics of the United States are once more lying to the American people and to the world. Here are the facts that can be easily verified within the mainstream media, but are buried beneath the rhetoric of anti-Russianism. -Dr. David Duke

Here are the Cold Hard Facts:

Read moreThe Cold, Hard Facts about the Georgia-Russia War