Dr. Jorge Flechas, MD: ‘You Don’t Know The Definition Of Brilliant Until You’ve Seen A Child Whose Been Born With Iodine’ (Video)

As a side note:

Exposing the iodized salt scam …

… the iodide content of iodized salt is ridiculously low,

… of which only 10% is bioavailable,

… your body needs iodine and iodide, not just potassium iodide,

… by the time the iodized salt reaches the grocery store about 50% of its iodide content has ‘vaporized’,

… store the salt another 30 days and the salt loses (about) another 50% of its iodide,

… iodized salt contains lots of aluminum,

… etc.


And again the video has been removed.

Here is a replacement….

Jorge Flechas Total Body Iodine Sufficiency from JacobAnthony on Vimeo.

Published on Nov 2, 2014


Dr. Flechas is the Medical Director of Flechas Family Practice in Hendersonville, N.C. In addition to family practice, Dr. Flechas’ subspecialties include Iodine Therapy for thyroid and breast disorders, bioidentical hormone replacement for both men and women, and diagnosis and treatment of cardiac-related issues such as coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, and hypertension. Dr. Flechas has a Doctorate in Medicine and Masters Degree in Public Health from Loma Linda University in California.

Read moreDr. Jorge Flechas, MD: ‘You Don’t Know The Definition Of Brilliant Until You’ve Seen A Child Whose Been Born With Iodine’ (Video)

Dr. Jorge Flechas, MD: Whole Body Iodine Sufficiency (Video)

Don’t miss this lecture!

Ask yourself:

“Why did information on (the many benefits of) iodine disappear from medical schools and medical libraries?”

And yes, it is not just the information about the importance of iodine that disappeared from the bookshelves.

As a side note:

Exposing the iodized salt scam …

… the iodide content of iodized salt is ridiculously low (just enough to ‘help’ prevent goiter),

… of which only 10% is bioavailable,

… your body needs iodine and iodide, not just potassium iodide,

… by the time the iodized salt reaches the grocery store about 50% of its iodide content has ‘vaporized’,

… store the salt another 30 days and the salt loses (about) another 50% of its iodide,

… iodized salt contains lots of aluminum,

… etc.

Published on Nov 2, 2014


Dr. Flechas is the Medical Director of Flechas Family Practice in Hendersonville, N.C. In addition to family practice, Dr. Flechas’ subspecialties include Iodine Therapy for thyroid and breast disorders, bioidentical hormone replacement for both men and women, and diagnosis and treatment of cardiac-related issues such as coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, and hypertension. Dr. Flechas has a Doctorate in Medicine and Masters Degree in Public Health from Loma Linda University in California.

Read moreDr. Jorge Flechas, MD: Whole Body Iodine Sufficiency (Video)

Radio Liberty Host Dr. Stanley Monteith Interviews Dr. Jorge Flechas: The Many Benefits Of Iodine In The Body

Ask yourself:

“Why did information on (the many benefits of) iodine disappear from medical schools and medical libraries?”

And yes, it is not just the information about the importance of iodine that disappeared from the bookshelves.


Listen to the interview here:
