… and canola oil does enormous damage to your liver!!!
The slogan on the Whole Foods website says, “Eat real food.” Sure. Then at the top of the home page they claim, “We’re growing something good.” Really? Since when is rapeseed good? Most of the signature Whole Foods brand “365” products contain rapeseed oil (also known as Canadian Low Acid Oil or “canola” for short). All canola oil needs to be thrown under the bus with every other blood-clogging “food stuff” product created in a laboratory, including margarine and genetically modified soybean, corn and palm oils.
Most canola is chemically extracted using hexane, a highly flammable and carcinogenic solvent that’s a constituent of gasoline. Yep, gasoline. Why? Rapeseed oil stinks and is toxic to all animals, including humans, so the crooks and scoundrels at the FDA had to approve a process to deodorize the funk and slide rapeseed under the radar of intelligent U.S. consumers (and the not-so-smart ones too). This process completely destroys the omega-3s and creates trans fats. Everybody and his brother knows the evil and destructive qualities of trans fats by now. Even if canola oil is “expeller-pressed” and organic, it still coagulates in your blood like margarine and beef fat.