On September 12, 1683 The Turks Almost Took Vienna – So Either Europe Has Learned NOTHING From History Or The Invasion Of Muslim Migrants Is The Plan Of TPTB

Die Türken vor Wien – Die zweite Belagerung

And yes, ‘The Invasion Of Muslim Migrants Is The Plan’, as I’ve told you many times.

And the Kalergi plan

is just a small part of much bigger geopolitical plans and an absolutely satanic elite agenda.

 And it is probably just a ‘coincidence’ that the following Illuminati puppets received

the Coudenhove-Kalergi European Prize???


Coudenhove-Kalergi Preis für:

2014: Jean-Claude Juncker, EU-Kommissionspräsident

2012: Herman Van Rompuy, Ex-Ratspräsident der EU

Next  up: Financial collapse, high inflation/hyperinflation, directly followed by all-out civil war, which will be immediately followed by WW3, as planned by TPTB.

However, all of this is a smokescreen until the earth changes (asteroids hitting earth, pole shift, etc.) will set in, which will put an abrupt end to WW3, as predicted.

I know for many this might sound too crazy to believe, which is why they will easily dismiss it, BUT a lot of what has already happened and what is happening right now has been predicted and foreseen by many, many seers.

And they have been proven right… time and time again.

And then we have those whistleblowers that have told us that all of the above is indeed on the elite agenda.

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Anybody who thinks the #KalergiPlan is a mirage is seriously not paying attention to what’s happening right before their eyes!!!


The (Freemason) Kalergi Plan: The Sinister Plot To Genocide an Entire Race! Its Not a Secret Now! (Video)

Founder of what became the European Union advocated the genocide of the White European peoples via race-mixing and flooding Europe with non-white immigrants, and advocated supremacy of the Jews and said Jews should rule the world!!

Plot To Replace Europeans With Refugees Exposed – #MigrantCrisis

Read moreAnybody who thinks the #KalergiPlan is a mirage is seriously not paying attention to what’s happening right before their eyes!!!

Founder of what became the European Union advocated the genocide of the White European peoples via race-mixing and flooding Europe with non-white immigrants, and advocated supremacy of the Jews and said Jews should rule the world!!

“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”

Richard Nikolaus Eijiro von Coudenhove-Kalergi

Founder of what became the European Union advocated the genocide of the white/European peoples via race-mixing and flooding Europe with non-white immigrants, and advocated supremacy of the jews and said jews should rule the world!!:

Richard Nikolaus Eijiro von Coudenhove-Kalergi was the son of a Austro-Hungarian diplomat and a Japanese mother.   Though little known today, this man was close associates with the very most powerful men in the world of his time, and had a hand in shaping the world we know today in an enormous way.

This half Japanese, probably half jewish mongrel worked with the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and other jewish powers-that-be to establish the European Union, including a plan to flood the European continent with non-whites in order to perpetrate the attempted genocide of the white/European peoples via race-mixing.

The driving philosophy and goal in Kalergi’s life was to transform Europe from a group of racially homogeneous nation states into an ethnically heterogeneous and politically and culturally united Europe, in which multiple races — including Asians, Africans, and other non-Europeans– mixed and lived in a “multicultural” Europe.

Read moreFounder of what became the European Union advocated the genocide of the White European peoples via race-mixing and flooding Europe with non-white immigrants, and advocated supremacy of the Jews and said Jews should rule the world!!

Plot To Replace Europeans With Refugees Exposed – #MigrantCrisis


The ‘Coudenhove-Kalergi’ plan for Europe in action.

Plot To Replace Europeans With Refugees Exposed – #MigrantCrisis:

U.N. document reveals 2000 plan to push massive migration

WASHINGTON – Millions of migrants mostly from Africa and the Middle East have swarmed Europe in the last three years – the result of what has been explained by world leaders as a war-driven “refugee” crisis.

Yet, a United Nations document, prepared in the year 2000 and rediscovered by WND, reveals the U.N. was already promoting the notion of “replacement migration” in Europe with the support of open-borders non-governmental organizations and “progressive” politicians.

Related info:

George Soros Is “Investing” $500 MILLION In Europe’s Refugees And Migrants: He Explains Why

#Hungary: PM Viktor #Orban says the EU is implementing #GeorgeSoros’ plan to bring 1 million economic migrants to Europe every year. (Video)

Viktor Orban: European Union Is Following ‘Soros Migrant Plans’

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