Human Rights Report Slams Major Food Companies over Child Labor Abuses

Human Rights Report Slams Major Food Companies over Child Labor Abuses:

A recent report conducted by Amnesty International has concluded that many popular brands, including Kellogg’s, Nestle, Unilever, and Colgate-Palmolive, use palm oil produced by child labor working under dangerous conditions.

In order to reach this conclusion, Amnesty traced these well-known companies’ products back to a palm oil company called Wilmar, which allegedly employs children to work intense physical labor in Indonesian refineries. The report states that products sold by the aforementioned companies were “tainted by appalling human rights abuses…with children as young as eight working in hazardous conditions.

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‘Welcome To The Recovery’: 15 Signs That Layoffs And Job Losses Are Skyrocketing


Welcome to the Recovery (New York Times, by Timothy Geithner, August 2, 2010)

‘Recovery’ is the ‘Greatest Depression’.

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COLLAPSE: 37 Facts About How Cruel This Economy Has Been To Millions Of Desperate American Families

Will The Bottom Fall Out? 15 Signs That Layoffs And Job Losses Are Skyrocketing (Economic Collapse, Oct 25, 2012):

If you still have a good job, you might want to hold on to it very tightly because there are a whole bunch of signs that unemployment in the United States is about to start getting worse again.  Over the past several weeks, a substantial number of large corporations have announced disappointing earnings for the third quarter.  Many of those large corporations are also loaded up with huge amounts of debt.  So what is the solution?  Well, the favorite solution on Wall Street these days seems to be to lay off workers.  In fact, it is almost turning into a feeding frenzy.  Since September 1st, we have seen more job cuts announced than during any other two month period since the start of 2010.  These announcements represent future layoffs and job losses which are not even showing up in the unemployment numbers yet.  So needless to say, things don’t look very promising for the end of 2012 or for the beginning of 2013.  If this race to eliminate jobs becomes a stampede, will we see the bottom fall out of the employment market?If you are concerned about whether or not you will still have a job 12 months from now, you might find the numbers posted below to be quite alarming.  We have not seen layoff announcements come this fast and this furious since the gloomy days of the last recession.

According to Bloomberg, job cuts are well ahead of the pace set last year…

North American companies have announced plans to eliminate more than 62,600 positions at home and abroad since Sept. 1, the biggest two-month drop since the start of 2010, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Firings total 158,100 so far this year, more than the 129,000 job cuts in the same period in 2011.

So what happens if the economy really starts sliding rapidly and this loss of jobs becomes an avalanche?

Can the U.S. economy and the American people handle another major economic downturn?

Some of the biggest names in the business world have announced job cuts in recent weeks. 

The following are 15 signs that layoffs and job losses are skyrocketing…

Read more‘Welcome To The Recovery’: 15 Signs That Layoffs And Job Losses Are Skyrocketing